Chapter 26

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2 years since we lost an Angel. I love you Avalanna. Sleep tight up there ❤️


After we finished the show that night, following a lot of hugging and congratulating eachother, everyone slowly re-boarded the tour buses and headed to a nearby hotel.

The next day was a scheduled day off were basically everyone could explore the city or rest because we had no show to do that day. And then we had another concert to do in Houston the day after that, so basically the whole team was gonna stay at this semi-expensive hotel in the city for two nights.

Kinda perfect timing for our plan..

I walked as normally as possible down the hall, chatting casually with my Mom, Fredo and Max - whom i was to be sharing the hotel suite with.

Max unlocked the door with the room key, gesturing kindly for us all to enter. "After you." He smiled, bowing like a gentleman.

"Aw why thank you." My Mom appreciated. She took a few steps inside. "Wow.. Look at this place.."

I followed her in, a nervous smile forming on my lips. She reached her hand out, trailing it across the top of the sofa.

"These hotels are just beautiful." She gushed. I nodded in agreement. "I don't see how you could ever like, get tired of it. Like, wow.."

"Tell me about it. To be honest, i really don't think i will ever get tired of it." I said truthfully. I admired the suite, my mind elsewhere.

"Unless some crazy paparazzi-stalker dude breaks into your suite and tries to hide in your closet." Max perked up, closing the suite door shut. I playfully tutted at him, while Fredo broke out laughing.

"Yo, but that's what your for." He said, thumping Max on his strong shoulder before heading over to the kitchen.

My bodyguard flexed his muscles. "Ain't nobody gonna get past me."


"Ooh FOOD." Max grinned, following in the direction Fredo had gone in.

My Mom and i chuckled before i walked over too.

I tugged open one of the cupboard, my eyebrows raising at the amount of food in there. I wasn't hungry but i was known for being a big eater. If i didn't dive in, they would know something was up.

I grinned, pulling out a huge bag of salty potato chips.

I laughed, turning around to see the boys with armfuls of food. "This is the life." I proclaimed.

"It sure is little one," Fredo beamed through a mouthful of Nutella. "It sure damn is.. Hey Momma Braun, you want food?"

"No, i'm good." My Mom chuckled, shaking her head at us. "Wow, do you guys ever stop thinking about food?"

"Not really, no." Fredo, Max and i agreed.

"To be fair on me, i did just finish a performance infront of 18,000 people." I pointed out, causing them all to kind of nod in acceptance.

"True point." Alfredo nodded. Max noogied me.

"Still a lil stick though ain't you." He laughed. I swatted him away.

My Mom laughed, plopping herself down on the soft cream sofa adjacent to the one Fredo had perched on. She lay her head back against the cushions, sighing contently.

"Ahhhh." She smiled.

There was a light knock on the door and then two staff members entered, carrying a bag of luggage for each of us.

Nothing Like Us - (Sequel to Being A Braun)Where stories live. Discover now