Chapter 27

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Hi guys! Some of you were slightly confused over what was happening in the last chapter but hopefully reading this one will explain. If not, feel free to message me or leave your questions in the comments of this chapter!

Dont forget to vote!

I'm not updating until this chapter gets 100 votes!


The private jet carrying Kezia, Max and i arrived in Atlanta just before 2AM. We deplaned, carrying the tiny amounts of luggage we'd brought.

The plan had worked - so far anyway..


Scooter's house felt really empty. He wasn't there. He was out of town for the week, doing a small string of shows in Australia with Cody (Simpson).

My little Coco wasn't there either. My other uncle, Adam, had taken her to Colorado to stay with my Nonna and Pa while i was touring since he was too busy with his charity stuff to look after her.

So the house was empty.


After getting in, i scraped my curled hair into a ponytail, stripped down to my underwear, and pulled out one of Justin's t-shirts from my wardrobe. I tugged it over my head, burying my head in it in an attempt to smell his scent. I was successful, the loving scent of him causing me to fall back onto the bed crying.

I was there, in Atlanta, because of test results from my doctor. The test, taken just after the pregnancy scare, apparently showed worries. Worries i shouldn't/really didn't need. I was too scared to tell Justin - my boyfriend, the person i loved and trusted - because i was scared.


What if the doctor was right, and i really might have trouble conceiving/having a child. What if it wasn't possible at all? And i couldn't carry a beloved child for Justin? He would be crushed..


I lay there unable to sleep for hours.

I'm pretty sure i tossed and turned for most of the night, eventually deciding to just give up and get out of bed.

I went downstairs, carrying under my arm the lyric book, which i was glad to have brought.


It was approximately 7:29 AM when Max came into the room. I was sat on the window-seat in the music room, my back leant against the wall as i penned down some lyrics, gazing frequently out the window towards the gate.

He gently tapped on the door with his knuckles, attracting my attention. He entered the room, carrying a cup of hot coffee on one hand. I tried to smile as he walked over, gently passing me the coffee.

"Thank you." I whispered, my voice raspy.

He knew everything now.

After we got on the private jet the previous night, i explained everything to him. Starting from the almost-pregnancy and the blood tests i'd had, right up to being scared to tell Justin the results and ignoring his calls.

Max listened carefully, probably surprised over some things i was saying, but mainly just nodded.

He'd called my Mom & Allison and then Scooter when i'd gone to bed, alerting them of the situation and that we were alright.

He explained everything - because i'd allowed him too. I'm pretty sure my Mom was the most shocked. She didn't even know about the pregnancy thing and she was probably a little hurt under everything that i never shared that with her. We used to be so close.

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