chapter nine :: 400 lux

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Dinner was fun for CJ and Josh.

Josh and CJ kept playing footsies under the table, kicking at each other's shins. They would look up at each other and try their best not to burst out into laughter and interrupt the conversation between Tyler and Jenna.

"Since I made dinner," Jenna and CJ were clearing off the table. "You can wash dishes."

CJ rolled her eyes as she carried the four plates to the sink without a complaint.

"I'm gonna go in my room with Tyler," she gave CJ a look. "So stay out."

CJ began her chore, setting the dishes in the drying rack. Their apartment didn't come to a dishwasher.

"Need some help?" Josh asked as he carried the dirty cups over.

CJ hid her smile by looking down in the sink. "Not really, but feel free."

Josh took the dishes from her and began drying them with a dish towel.

"Do you do this all the time?" He asked. "Clean?"

"Well it's only fair," CJ shrugged. "She makes everything, then I straighten up."

"Mhm." Josh nodded.

"It's clears my head anyway," CJ replied. "I'm focused on getting stuff in order rather than what could happen five minutes from now."


"That's why your room is so clean?" Josh mentioned.

"Exactly," CJ nodded. "And if there's nothing to clean, than you're not looking hard enough."

"That reminds me of my mom," Josh told her. "Whenever I said I was bored, my mom told me to there was a lot to clean up. I was lazy."

"Was?" CJ grinned.

"When we're done, we should go to your room," Josh suggested. "Listen to some of your vinyls."

"I love Lorde." Josh informed her as he pulled the case out. "Can I play it?"

"Gopher it." CJ was adjusting her lights wrapped around her head board, simply so that she could see Josh better.

"What's your favorite song?" Josh asked her.

"That question has no answer." CJ replied.

"Same," Josh smiled a bit. "But I meant from the album."

"I really love 400 lux."

So, Josh put the vinyl on the needle and skipped to her preferred song.

"Come on." Josh told CJ.

CJ stopped fumbling with the lights, then approached Josh.

"Hands." Josh held his hands out for her to take.

"What is this?" CJ giggled when she took his hands.

"We're dancing," Josh clasped his fingers in between hers as a goofy grin rose on his face. "To a great song."

CJ looked down as she blushed, thinking about how irrelevant her next words were. "I um.." She bit her lip and shook her head. "Never mind. It's stupid."

"Nothing about you is stupid." Josh pulled her a bit closer.

"I've never really danced with anybody."

"Not even like.." Josh thought. "At a party? With a girlfriend? Or boyfriend?"

"No," CJ chuckled. "That's cute. You think the walking definition of anxiety actually socializes."

Introverted Hearts // Josh DunWhere stories live. Discover now