Chapter 2: Explanation

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kisuke pov~

I walked into the living room and Yourichi was talking with Kate, Yourichi is a old friend of mine since my past.

Kate giggled on the couch with her cup of tea in her pajamas. when she saw me because usually I have my hat on but, I wont be needing it right now

since I wont be public for the rest of the day.

"Kisuke, no news yet from the soul-"

I cut Yourichi off when she started to talk because Kate was in the room.

"Kate, how about you go outside and play hm?"

I told Kate and she ran outside where I could see her in the yard playing with her playground items that i previously got her.

Yourichi, that fool.

I shot a glance at Yourichi, she had purple hair, which was natural for some odd reason but maybe a bit burgundy, with a pair of jeans and a t-shirt with a lion face on it.

"Sorry Kisuke, I forgot she was in the room I-"

I cut her off with my hand resting on my chin as I gave a glance.

"Kate's spiritual pressure is at a small but not exceeding level right now, like a normal human, if

she hears a thing about the soul society, it could get her curiosity to a dangerous level and telling her would just make her turn out like her mom."

The Soul Society, it's a place where death gods, known as shinigami (shee-ne-gami) live, and where

lost souls can rest, the shinigami are in the 13 court guard squads, where they have captains, and

vice captains, they basically are the ones who come to the world of the living to collect and purify

souls from the living, you cannot be a shinigami if you have low spiritual pressure, or spirit energy,

and only certain people can handle the required spiritual pressure, some can't and are in high risk,

and then the souls who are not shinigami, they are souls within the rukon district, there are any

over 10,000 districts because of the number of souls that shinigami send there, Yourichi and myself

were part of the court guard squad, I was the captain of the 12th squad of the department of

research, and Yourichi was the captain of 2nd squad, there's a reason we never went back to the

Soul Society, different reasons actually, but shinigami do go through a difficulty getting souls,

hollows, they are souls who have lost there was completely to sadness, regret, hate, hollows look

like monsters with a white mask, with all of this, no human can see shinigami's in their spiritual

form, only if a human has a large amount of spiritual pressure, to see it clearly

"Kisuke, you must accept the fact Kate has a large chance at being a shinigami, since you're her father, and her mother of course-"

I slammed my fist on the table to silence her.

"We won't have this discussion!"

Yourichi looked at me and she sighed, moving in her seat on the couch

"Kisuke, Kate May not remember but, someday, she needs to find out, about her, and there's only

one person who knows what happened to her, I still can't find him"

"Kate won't need to know, as long as we make sure no hollows or shinigami interact with her"

Yourichi shook her head and changed into cat form, patting her way towards the door Yourichi changes into cat form when she is ready to go to the soul society, she goes there to keep me updated whats happening since i'm banished.

"I'm going to say bye to Kate before I go Kisuke also, make sure you give her a bath, she smell horrible"

 Yourichi laughed and transformed, leaving her clothing on the living room floor as she patted her little paws outside to say good-bye to Kate who had been playing with a stick,  I saw Kate outside with Yourichi and petting her. I love Kate, I never want to loose her, not to anyone, or anything, I know she will probably be mad at me, but It is for the best after all.

As soon as Yourichi disappeared and Kate started to play again, I called her in and hugged her as she giggled, I laughed looking at her.

"Bath time hun."

I said and she sniffed her arm giving a stubborn look, meaning she was confused but at the same time a bit irritated.

"But I smell fine Daddy!"

she said pouting and I lifted my eyebrow giving a straight forward face.

"Yourichi said you smelled horrible, and she's a cat so come on"

Kate giggled and jumped down the hallway to the bathroom, Cats do have a stronger nose than humans so It's understandable, Even she knows this.

I let Kate prep herself for the bath and her come running out with a Hello kitty bathrobe she got for her birthday, She was hyped up on sugar from stealing some in the shop earlier.  as soon as I calmed her down, she sat on top of the toilet lid waiting on the bath to fill up.

I got the tub ready with bath salts with Dora on the cover, and put her in.

I washed her hair and her body, then she played with her bath toys until she got out, she played with barbies and finding Nemo toys in the tub giggling while I rinsed her off and drained the tub.

I dried her off and brushed her hair, It was a bit difficult since her hair was down to her hips. so that took some time. I then wrapped her up in the towel and pointed to her room.

"Go get dressed now alright?"

I asked and she smiled giving a face of beg.

"daddy, Will you tuck me in when I'm done?"

I smiled and she blushed with a smile as well.

"Yes now go you burrito."

she ran off, as I went into the living room to drink some tea to relax my mind off the shop, It's hard working since my assistant manager is currently on vacation.

10 minutes later Kate came out in a sleeping gown and footsie socks giggling queuing me to tuck her of course.

I walked over by her in the doorway from the living room to the hallway, and lifted Kate up as I carried her to her room, and I let her walk over to her bed when I started getting a bit of a pain in my back, but with me following her to put the covers over her body leaving her head to poke out as she yawned looking at me with the cutest smile which made me smile as well.

"Are you going to be ready for school tomorrow?"

I asked and she nodded with her hair combed out and her plushie star by her.

"Yup, goodnight daddy"

She said and I smiled nodding.

"Good night strawberry"

I kissed her goodnight, then as I went to walk away she grabbed the corner of my coat and she gave a sad look, with her puppy eyes.

"Can you please stay until I fall asleep?"

I sighed and took my seat again, watching her drift off to sleep as I looked at the glowing stars on her ceiling and drifted to sleep as well.

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