Chapter 5: The Attack

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~Kisuke pov~

I sipped at my tea when I heard a knock at the door

"Who's there?"

I didn't feel like getting up from my seat so I just yelled

"It's Ichigo, Kate's friend?"

I sighed, oh yea, they have a play date thingy whatever

"Come In"

I saw him step in the living room, he has orange hair, almost like Kate's but a little more light

I saw he wasn't that much taller than Kate, boys like that grow to be giants basicly

"Kate, ichigo is here!"

"I'll be down in a minute!"

I yelled, me and Kate talk like that

"So ichigo, hows your dad doing?"

"He's fine, thanks for asking, he's been running the Kurosaki clinic pretty well"

"That's good"

Kind of akward, having a conversation with a 8 year old.

Then Kate came down, I'm relieved

She had shorts and a tank top on with her bathing suit under since they were going swimming

"Be home before 10 got it?"

"Got it dad, bye"

I am scared though, I can sense the spiritual pressure in ichigo, it was about a low class shinigami

Level, which could still leak on to Kate, I just don't want her scared, if she even sees a hollow.

She wouldn't know how to even run away,

She's 8, soon, she will be a shinigami, and I'll have to train her, that is a long time though, no need

to worry about it right now.

~Kate pov~

It was 8:00 pm so the sun was starting to set, ichigo was already in the water wrestling a fish.

I giggled and ichigo fell into the stream

"Ichi, you cant be off concentrated!"

"Shut up!"

I call him ichi when I want to mess with him.

I looked at the stream and saw a rock shaped as a star, I love stars so I picked it up and saw it

moving, so I dropped it on land and screamed.

Ichigo came over and checked on me, he saw how I freaked out.

"Kate, it's just a star fish, they're like stars, only alive."

I giggled and looked at it while ichigo stared at my hair, I looked down

"Ichigo, it's ok, Kiki was just being mean but she probaly-"

Ichigo gave me a angry look, uh oh

"No Kate, she had to reason to even start anything with you! Your hair had nothing to do with it

either, and you shouldn't have to deal with her anymore"

I stayed silent then ichigo pushed me into the water

"Now come on, I'm doing all of the work here!"

I stood up and looked at the water.

It was 9:00 pm and it was dark, I looked up at the stars, they were beautiful.

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