Chapter 4: time passes, events happen

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~3 years later~

£Kate pov~

"Dad, wheres my bow?"

I asked running around the house like a chicken with it's head cut off for pete's sake.

"I think you left it in the living room"

My dad yelled back, while probably sitting and watching tv in the living room while drinking his morning tea with Yourichi.

I'm in 3rd grade now, and It's been great, having the friends I have, well have tried to make.

Ichigo has been my friend since Kindergarten now, I've always played with him in class and we go to the park and play or we go swimming by the river near his house.

As for the bow, it's for my hair. It's down to my hips so I needed something to do with it, and any ponytails I use break on the instant because of how thick it is. As I looked through my dresser it was next to my headbands and brushes, duh.

"Found it thanks!"

I had jeans with a t-shirt on, and sneakers, I don't like dresses, They make me feel a bit too girlie at times but it's fine, because my dad hate having to buy expensive dresses like other parents with their girls.

I went downstairs to see my dad of course, with his normal routines of the morn. as I  ate breakfast, what I notice about my dad, he never ages, I get taller and different, while he just stays the same, weird but probably he's low-key doing drugs to make him younger.

I got done with breakfast while dad got the car started up and I stared at the tv seeing the recent killings and torn down buildings, they say that people have been going missing and natural disasters are causing a ruckus here in Karakura town, I never payed mind to it because it didn't phase me much, but still. It was effecting a lot of people. After I finished my toast my dad signaled me from honking his obnoxious horn so I quickly got up to get in the car grabbing all of my stuff on my way to the drive way, as I got into the car he looked in a rush and worried.

"So honey, remember, your spelling test is today and-"

"Yea dad I know, I studied" I cut him off and he chuckled nervously as he started the car and we were off, On our way I saw that a lot of houses had been empty, probably because of the news of course. I saw the passing cars and half-frightened students carefully pacing themselves to school, hoping they won't be next.

as we pulled in to the school drive way my dad smiled at me rubbing my head as I opened the car door and started to walk into the building, he yelled with great enthusiasm.

"Behave and learn something you smarty!"

My dad drove off before he could hear my laughs, or even me being embarrassed since some kids thought my dad was weird, maybe even creepy with how he acts. But I just brush it off and quickly walk into the school building where I change my shoes.

I soon walked into the classroom to see mixture of laughs all around as well as conversations,  I saw Kiki and her girls with her group of boys, one of them being her cousin, I saw that Ichigo was with two girls, Tatsuki and Inoue, I had met them shortly after meeting Ichigo in Kindergarten. Ichigo and Tatsuki go to the same Karate dojo, but what I've heard from Tatsuki is that he can never beat her. she has short black hair and is really funny.  Inoue is a bright girl, she had burned orange hair, mixture of brown in it if anything and it was short. she wore her hair down and never put anything in it. But she had an older brother who I think goes to the high school, don't know what year though. In the corner of my eye though I could see them three sitting by themselves and I was a bit questioned but I put my bag away 

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