Chapter 50 : True Meaning

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I wiped my tears again and ran to a I remembered a path and kept running, Kate was dead asleep and I knew, when she wakes , she won't remember anything.

It took me a few hours but I finally made it, until I saw a black cat  come by me and scare me to hell.

I'm right in front of the serietei gates and a cat scares me? I'm a bigger wuss then I thought.

"little boy don't be alarmed I'm just-"

the cat had a mans voice. Wait a damn minute a cat is talking?, (°^° yeah yeah anything can happen Shuuhei)

he looked at Kate and came closer

"Boy, listen, is that Katania Hitsugaya's daughter?"

I nodded as he jumped into the bushes behind me and a cloud of smoke appeared, I couldn't see anything but I heard clothes being put on then it hit me, is this that Yourichi cat? but this cats a guy


then I saw a woman come out of the bushes and she had a jumpsuit, she was black with purple dark hair and yellow eyes

"A-are'nt you A guy..?"

"Its my voice that changes but what's your name?"

"Shuuhei, this is-"

"-Kate, I know because I know her mother, now where's Katania?"

I showed her a piece of my burned Pants and ashes in my hair and on my face, her eyes widened

"She didn't make it, did she?"

I shook my head as she looked at Kate covered in ashes

"I have to get her to her Father, Shuuhei, go to the serietei they will welcome you in, please be safe"

I nodded as she quickly did that flash step thing away and I held the necklace tight in my hand.

I in wrapped it a little and saw it was white, I started to tear up.

Mom, I'm alone now. Kate doesn't remember me, your dead and I have no other family,

I looked at the necklace and saw a glimmer of blue and smiled, there's still a little bit of you left huh?

I wrapped it up and put it in my pocket as I ran for the doors of the serietei

ill become stronger, for you

____________back to battle with Shiro ^°^/_____

I snapped back as she gritted her teeth

"You're, Lying, she doesnt have any memories of-"

"you didn't realize she sealed her Kate's and a copy of Shuuhei's memories away? because she wanted to make sure some day Kate would understand!"

I yelled then she raised her blade.

"j guess I can release this form then"

she turned from red hair to blonde  then her face was like she was young, and she was the size of a teenager

"Ill kill you now that you ruined my plans little Shiro!"

she came at me as I blocked it and i saw izaru rushing to Shuuhei treating him,

"Captain Hitsugaya, hold her off for now!"

I heard him and I panted

this is exhausting.

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