chapter 53: Racern

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--Toshiro pov--

I looked at her dying body as I barely stood, dealing with the excruciating pain of the fight

she poisoned a lot of my body making it hard to freeze a lot of it alone

"I hope you die knowing you messed with people's hearts and emotions"

I said coldly as she got a nasty look

"I hope you die knowing that your mother will never come-"

she started then she coughed while her eyes went off and she was dead

I started to talk towards the exit when I stopped to hear a voice

"Captain Hitsugaya kun!"

I turned around to see Inoue as she was running to me

"I have to heal your wounds and get you to Ichigo, where's Izaru kun?"

she asked as she was healing me

"I sent him back to the serietei, to check back in and such, so now who's left here in the group?"

I asked then she was focused on healing me

"Rangiku took Chad and Uryu, Izaru is gone to so that leaves me you and Ichigo and Shuuhei kun, we have to try and get Kate as fast as we can"

she said and I nodded while she was finishing up

my wounds were beginning to go away and I sighed in relief while I felt feeling in my body

"Hitsugaya kun, I don't quite understand all of this, how did that demon even get in her body?"

she asked and I sighed

"when she was little she was attacked by a hollow carrying Dom in it, that's how it happened and since then she's been fighting for the longest time"

I said as she stood up and gestured me

"Come on, we have to go and get Kate back"

I nodded and as we were trying to leave the door closed from the room and we heard a man going tsk tsk

"You thought the mastermind of this whole thing wouldn't get a part in it?"

we heard and a man appeared behind us

he had a white espada suit and crazy longish brown hair with red and yellow eyes, he was frowning while looking at us

"Who the hell are you?"

i said rudely then he grinned

"Racern and you look just like that woman I killed 13 years ago, only she had red hair"

I heard him and I gripped my sword tightly

you bastard!

"Is someone already getting cranky?"

he said while laughing and

I just stood there

"It seems her poison got to you faster then I thought, I wanted to play with you a bit before Dom could finish you off-"

"so she already manifested?"

i said as my head was lowered

"Yes, and by the minute she's dying, slowly inside Dom as she gets stronger"

he went on and I glared at him

"You had to watch her face as she was loosing her self to that demon, it was price less, PRICELESS I TELL YA HAH"

he said and I just gritted my teeth

"What do you find so funny?!"

i yelled and he ran his hand through his hair

"The fact after all of this, you still want to save your darling little sister from the cletches of Dom, its too cute-"

he started then he evily smiled at me

"-but why save a soul who is already lost and-"

he began then I chuckled a bit

"You think that Kate would be weak? she's as stubborn as her father and has her mom's heart, she's as strong as that demon 10x!"

I said and he sighed looking at me

"What admirable words for your dead sister, but face reality, she's dead, and you will meet her soon enough-"

i heard him say and I tensed my grip on my blade

"I'll see you soon so tata-"

he disapeared and i looked around and saw nobody else

I saw the exit opened and went to it running down the hall

she's not dead, stop getting so worried Shiro, she's strong

she's strong

like mom.

I ran to the end of the hallway to see a bright room with a cloudy sky and a bridge and I saw across the bridge was a building and i ran down to it.

walking in i saw traces of blood spill with a hint of reitsu

then I saw a huge whole in the wall leading outside.

oh no.

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