Chapter 52: Kate Fights

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~Kate pov~

i woke up in the dark, killing lake, and I was so cold, and lonely.

I could only feel faint spiritual pressures by Dom but not human. mostly Espadas

I'm so lonely, it's cold and I have bruises everywhere, I couldn't tell the difference between my blood or my hair, but I know it's covering my whole body.

I was loosing my will to fight...

i was loosing myself to the pain...

i was loosing my memory as well..

I felt myself cry, but my tears only blended in with the water..

until I sensed something, it was so familiar, it made me feel warm.

Shuuhei, Shuuhei was in front of Dom, and I could now sense Ichigo, I smiled then realized something.

she's going to hurt them, I'm not letting her!

I screamed as much as I could and squirmed until the hands let go. keeping the gem by me.

"Don't you dare touch them!"

I could hear her screaming in pain

"Stay away from them, don't hurt them, ill-!"

I was cut off when I realized she was scared, I could feel it, then I felt my one blind eye that I've had start to clear up, I looked up but saw just blackness.

"I'm going to protect them until I die!"

i yelled as I felt my eye see clearly, I covered one eye and saw out of it.

it was

Ichigo and Shuuhei!

Ichigo looked roughed up as well as Shuuhei, I saw Ichigo smiling and I felt warm inside, and I realized a ray of light coming into the water.

I smiled and then I heard Dom scream again.

she was trying to blind me again.

"I want to see, I want to see them, I want to see-"

"-them all die?"

I heard her say then I gasped

"Don't you dare-!"

she interrupted me with laughter, I frowned

"Time for you to get back in your place!"

she said and the hands grabbed me again, making me cry out and I saw Ichigo running towards me

I'm fighting too Ichigo

I am..

I drifted to sleep again in the cold

-----Ichigo pov----

I saw Dom get up and crack her neck panting

"That was a close one, almost lost it heh"

she said laughing and Shuuhei looked at her while frowning

"Shuuhei, I swear I heard her-"

"Kate was fighting, as expected for a short while, but Dom over powered her"

he said then I looked at Dom, the hazel eye was still looking at us so Kate is still watching at least

"Now I'm going to kill you!"

I heard her say as she flash stepped by me and hit me in the back making me go through the wall and out of the building where the moon was

I looked at her as she was across from me at a distance

I saw Shuuhei follow and he came by my side, while looking around

he gasped and ran to a area of sand as if he found something

"Shuuhei what the hell-?"

I saw he ripped a bit of his pants and wrapped the thing and came back smiling

"What is that?"

I asked then he unwrapped it showing a crystal necklace and smiled at me

"The key to getting Kate back"

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