Chapter 58: Some fun after words

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-2 weeks after Kate pov-

"What do you mean I haven't unlocked my crystal power yet?!"

I yelled at Howul and he kept his arms crossed while looking at me with a frown

"The necklace has the potential to be your power source but, you lack the strength"

he said and I tightened my fists

"I've been training ever since I learned how to hold a sword and-!"

"You were scared of Dom before, but you still lack the ability to use bankai"

he said and I stomped my foot

" I can learn bankai! I will! I'll train harder and ill see the last memories my mom has in this necklace!"

I said and he chuckled vanishing

i closed my eyes then woke up in a little room, I looked out the windows in it and realized I was in the house by the lake

the house had a desk and bed that was it then a dark corner of the room

"You must understand Kate'

i heard Dom's voice and saw her walking out of the shadow

" what should I know?"

i said and she sighed flipping her curly hair

"If you loose the necklace, I will be forced to take over, its my nature"

she said then i frowned

"What if i meet up with one of your siblings and they try to take my body-"

i started then she pointed to a pentagram on the wall written in black with her name written in the sides

"That is basicly my marking on you, which reminds me-"

she closed her eyes and she grabbed my wrist, then I saw dark reitsu come from her other hand, I started to get nervous then she slapped the inside of my wrist and held it tight for a moment.

then she let go and I saw the same mark from the wall on my wrist, I looked at her as she sat in the chair

"Also, there will be a time where you come in contact with hosts who have my siblings, just show your wrist and you'll be famous"

she said and I stared at it

"-also you can use some of my power from it, just say my name and hold it up, it puts some oomph to tour sword their"

I looked at my zampaktou and I grinned


she waved her hand and I felt my eyes get heavy as I closed them.


I woke up and rubbed my eyes

damn you Howul

i looked at my room smiling then when I tried to move my body just ached in pain

it felt so heavy and my bruises were still everywhere.

I tried to walk to my dresser and put on basketball shorts and a tank top

I put my hair up and limped to the living room where my dad and Yourichi were.

"Kate you shouldn't-"

my dad started and I glared at him

"I'm fine dad, don't worry"

I sat at the table and ate some cereal then I got a call on my phone

I answered it


'Kate Chan your awake! come on you want to go to the festival with us?'

"who is 'us'?"

I asked and she giggled

for a 17 year old she sounds 7

'Me tatsuki, uryu, chad, and Ichigo, duh!'

she said and I smiled a bit

"Fine, but if I wear my kimono I am getting a rice cake got it?"

i remarked and she said mhm

"see ya then Inoue"

I hung up and my dad overheard

"Listen, so that your body doesn't hurt while having fun, I'll kido heal it OK?"

he said and I nodded and later after the kids I felt brand new and my bruises were gone.

but not my mental ones.

i got my kimono on and put my hair to a bun with a Camelia flower clip

i then heard a knock at the door and answered it to see everyone there

Inoue and Tatsuki were in Kimono's Inoue's was pink fish design while tatsuki's was blue flowers

mine was red camelias so it matched my hair, I put my slip ons on

Ichigo had a kimono top with black pants and his was white plain

while chad and uryu were the same but their tops were dark green on chad and light blue on uryu

"Let's go"

tatsuki said and I nodded as I headed out for the festival

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