Chapter 33: saved.

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I woke up this morning with my brother sleeping in my room.

And I found out Rangiku almost burned orihimes house down.

"Are you going to even eat?"

I heard Shuuhei remark as I was eating my lunch, he was eyeing my food

"Oh? Is shoohie hungry?"

I teased him and he took my sandwich

"My names Shuuhei, Kate"

I rolled my eyes and looked at everyone else.

Ichigo was absent today, probaly sick or whatever

He ate my sandwich as I gave him a glare

"Don't look at me like that, you knew this was coming"

I rolled my eyes and looked at Orihime eating a whole loaf of bread

"Um, inoue, why are you eating a whole loaf?"

She looked at me with a mouth full of food then Rangiku sighed

"Don't try to talk inoue, you would look impolite"

After lunch and school we were dismissed early from school for the

teachers having to go to a in service

So I walked home with Toshirou

now I'm sitting at the park eating a salad

I heard my phone for off and it let me know that a hollow was nearby

I pushed down on the necklace that shuuhei gave me while I was in Hueco Mundo, it converts my soul form from my body

I pushed the crystal down and felt myself push out.

I saw my body lying on the bench, I'll be right back so I hope nobody tries to touch it.

I jumped onto the nearby building while reading my phone detecting hollows, it said the hollow had enormous reitsu so I have to get over try ere quickly.

I ran in the air with

concentrated reitsu and I went to. the east side of the town

I saw it was by a bridge me and Ichigo went sometimes went there after school when we were little.

I landed on my feet when I touched the ground, I saw the huge thing its mask was different colors and its body was red and black, and below it was a woman it was eating

I felt a tear go down my cheek as I un-shiethed my blade and pointed it at the monster

"Eating helpless humans that can't defend themselves, you make me sick, die in hell!"

i swung my zampaktou at the beast and he grabbed it, laughing at me

"you won't be able to cut me with that weak blade soul reaper"

I had my zampaktou thrown out of my grip as the hollow came at me full charge.

I closed my eyes shut hoping this would be over, then I heard the monster yell in pain.

as he was deteriating, I saw the person who sliced him, it was

Ichigo kurosaki

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