Chapter 54: the necklace

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~Ichigo pov~

I looked at Shuuhei with a questionable look an reached for the necklace

"I wouldn't do that Kurosaki"

he remarked and I gave a huh

"If anyone outside the Hitsugaya family touches this, they get severely burned and there are permanent marks-"

"-then how do we use it to save Kate?!"

I said and he sighed

"You put it around her neck, now I looked into the Hitsugaya tree and such and found out if it comes to a situation like this, the person who puts it on the body is-"

"-The one who must go into the inner world and get the host spirit back originally, we all know this Shuuhei"

i looked behind me to see who interrupted him and saw a surprising face

it was Kisuke, Kate's dad

"Kisuke Urahura, what are you doing here?"

I heard Shuuhei say

"Yea hat and clogs, how come-"

I started then he punched us both in the faces with scary looks

"She my fucking daughter you dumbasses, get your heads on straight!"

he yelled and we nodded

"Sorry, but where's-"

"Yourichi is fIchi!"ng Toshiro and Inoue and also Izaru"

he said and I nodded, then we looked at Dom frowning and saying tsk tsk

"I geuss I need to get reinforcements-"

she snapped her fingers and we saw a guy who looked my age with short crazy hair that was red and ripped clothing while next to her was that stupid little girl Nani, she was always by Higarashi

"Could you guys take care of the 2? I want Kurosaki k?"

they nodded and Nani went to Shuuhei while the guy sent for Kisuke

I saw Dom keeping her distance and I grinned a little

"I see, your afraid aren't you-?"

I said then she scoffed, I looked at the necklace wrapped up and then at her

"This is, your end"

I said coldly and she scoffed again looking like she was in pain

"She's fighting isn't she, Kate will over power you and-"

"you can shut the hell up, I'm more powerful-!"

she said panting and groaning in pain at her eye

"-when I put this necklace around your neck, Kate will come back"

"-that's impossible-!"

she said grinning and I kept a straight face holding the necklace by the trying not touching the crystal

"-actually, we can test the theorie now!"

I ran towards her as she held her hand and grabbed a handful. of darkness from her clothing

it changed into a blade and she blocked my attack, her hair was generating black shadows, making her stronger

"Give it up Ichi, She's a goner!"

I got mad as she said that, I kicked her in the stomach and pushed her in the sand looking. down at her

"Your mad she's dead isn't she?!"

she started to laugh then I punched her in the stomach, I'm sorry Kate, its better then slicing your body up.

"I know she's not dead, but-"

I prepared the necklace and I looked at Dom helplessly on the ground while I looked at Kate's hazel eye

"-Only Kate calls me Ichi!!"

i said as she widened her eye and I grabbed the necklace burning it my hand, it didn't care now, and I put it on her, I panted and saw the necklace start changing different colors and Dom frozen

I quickly felt my eyes fall asleep as I fell back and the last thing I heard was from Kisuke

"Don't touch them it could ruin-"

I heard muffles and then no sound after that

I'm coming Kate

I'll save you

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