Chapter 48: Shuuhei is saved.

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~Toshiro pov~

"Fight more Captain, Fight Fight!"

i swung at her as she dodged with a flip and she came at me with her blade

"Camelia, Hana"

little camelia flowers came at me and i dodged them all

"Captain, are you trying not to be poisoned again..?"

she said in a cute voice in a far tree,

i've been battling with her non stop and she never gets a scratch or anything

"Rain over the frosted Heavens, hyonimaru!"

i yelled and shot a ice dragon from my blade, she dodged it, but the tree was frozen,

"Captain, your going to stress your body out!"

she giggled as i glared at her

"You should call some of your other friends, have them help you out because it seems you need help"

i glared then i saw her laughing loudly and i grinned, bingo

i quickly flash stepped behind her and swung at her, not enough time for her to react, i sliced her shoulder, making her scream and run away

she went to another tree and held her bleeding shoulder

"You're gonna get it Captain!"

she started to smile and I came at her agin she held her usable hand up and tried to block but lost balance on the branch and lost balance

i fell with her, only i pushed my blade onto her while falling and cutting her stomach and legs

i backed up to another tree branch and watched her fall,

"You're- Dead!"

i heard her yell and i saw thousands of flowers come at me, her power is like Byakuya Kuchiki's only her flowers are poisonous if you touch them

i had to treat my last poinson infection by freezing some of my blood, which heals my body

I dodged the flowers and headed for her again, she was getting slower with every injury i gave her, i smiled

"Rain over the frosted heavens, Hyonimaru!"

i hit her with it and she was pinned on the wall, i saw her covered in blood and i panted, im out of energy and reitsu,

"Captain, you will never, beat her-"

"What are you talking about?"

she breathed in and looked at me

"Dom, she took over Kate's body and now, she will be the key for destruction-"

after that she closed her eyes and i saw her zampaktou break

i fell to my knees then heard a voice, i looked over

"Captain Hitsugaya-!"

i looked closely and saw Vice Captain Izaru.

"Izaru, what are you-"

"I dodged a battle with a Espada, but your badly injured, ill treat you-"

he put a kido around me that 4th squad members were taught, i was being treated inside it

a few moments later i saw him taking it down, my injuries were healed and he looked at me

"Captain Hitsugaya, have you seen anyone else since we all went different ways?"

i nodded my head no and he helped me up

"Lets go and get Kate"

he said then i looked down

"We have to hurry, she doesnt have long"

we ran towards the exit and went down a long hallway and Izaru looked at me while we were running

"What do you mean she doesnt have long?"

"Kate has a Demon inside her body, that if it takes over, she looses life source every moment, the longer the demon stays, the closer kate is to death"

Izaru looked at me with shocked eyes

"How do you know this Captain Hitsugaya?"

"While Kate was training in Hueco Mundo with me, that demon tried to take over once but we stopped it in time, we notice though that kate takes significant damage"

he nodded and i sighed as we got to a opening and we ran through, It was a room with a bright sky, green grass, a waterfall and a little house

i looked at Izaru and nodded, we started to walk until we stopped and heard fighting, we went around the house and saw Leutenent Shuuhei fighting a woman

I widenend my eyes to see what she looked like,

she looked like me and Kates mother then i looked at Izaru

"Captain Hitsugaya whats wrong?!"

"That woman looks like, my mother"

he looked at the woman then me and raised his blade, I put my hand in front of him and then the woman looked at me and smiled

"Toshiro, long time no see son"

i was frozen in place and Izaru was for some reason also


i said then she walked by me holding her arms out

"Its been so long, i missed you so dearly-"

"I thought you were dead though-"

i said interupting her

"I survived the fire, and even better, i was talking with kate and she says you all can leave, she wants to stay here with us and-"

She came closer to hugging me then i snapped out of it when i heard a voice

"Thats not her Captain Toshiro, Its an Imposter! Her zampaktou makes Illusions, and poison!"

Igrabbed Izaru and went on the roof of the house, he shook his head and looked at me

"What happened?"


Shuuhei was on the ground not able to move behind her while i was looking at her

She grinned evily and i couldnt move, she grinned more and started heading towards Shuuhei

I Tried to move franticly, Dont you dare!

She slowly removed her zampaktou from her shieth

i finally broke free and started to run towards them, Shuuhei was on the ground helpless and i saw something dripping from her blade

Poison, she is going to try and Poison Shuuhei, she got to him and held the blade high while i was still running towards them

"Captain Hitsugaya, Dont-!"

I stopped to look at Izaru then i heard a blade

i slowly turned around and saw her blade in his chest, I widened my eyes as she stabbed him a few more times and smiled at me

"Geuss Kate will have a surprise if she gets back that is"

i saw his lifeless body on the ground and i saw Izaru With the same expression as i did,

I raised my blade and ran towards her and our blades crashed and i probaly shouldnt touch her blade,

Izaru was stuck by her power where he was, i saw Shuuhei's body flinch so i sighed in relief and looked at the woman

Shes not mother. shes not mother!

"Shiro, why are you attacking me? dont you wish the best for your little sister?"

she said kindly and i lowered my head. She sounds and acts like her.

i was lost in a daze when i snapped back to reality to realize she was coming at me, I blocked her attack then she frowned

"Shiro, Come on, just leave and Kate will be happy noone will get hurt, she loves it here and-"

"Your not My Mother!"

I yelled coming from behind her and striking her shoulder

"Shiro, why hurt your mother, since i clearly am"

She smiled and i glared at her

"My Mother had a kind heart and wouldnt go so low as be an Espada, and another thing is that she wouldn't kill anyone, especially Shuuhei!"

She gave me a questionable look while smiling as she looked at Shuuhei barely breathing

"Why should i care so much for him if he attacked me first?"

"Mom wouldn't care! she would never hurt one of her own children!"

I looked at Izaru puzzled and the woman frowned

"I looked through this womans memories, she doesnt have a 3rd child-"

"Thats because She didnt want anyone to know she took in Shuuhei, he was a orphan child in the rukon district"

I looked at Shuuhei and saw he was starting to respond

"Captain Hitsugaya, what do you-"

I heard Izaru then i remembered the memory Shuuhei showed me

_______________________Flashback peeps c:_______________


"Come on Ikki! we gotta run from them!"

Me and my friend Ikki have known each other since we got to the rukon district.

he had hair like mine only brown mine was black.

we encountered some hollows and they were running after us, they killed everyone in our rukon village so we had nowhere to go

we were running through a forest, we didnt know where we were going and Ikki was getting tired.

"Shuuhei, my legs are-"

Ikki tripped and fell

Ikki was older then me so i couldnt exactly help alot of the time, but we had to keep going, or else we were done for.

"Ikki we have to keep going or else-"

we saw the hollows coming in on us and we could see their shadows, there were 12 of them, more then we could handle

although we cant even handle any because we arent soul reapers.

as soon as we thought we lost them one jumped up in front of us, we were soon surrounded and i started to cry

"Ikki, I dont wanna die!"

I hid by him as he was trembling in fear also. then i felt him go away, i opened my eyes and saw a hollow grabbing him



He kicked the hollow in the mask and ran off, leaving me,

Ikki you meanie..

I crouched down and hoped they would just eat me, im just a little boy though

what would i do to satisfy their hunger?

they came closer as i was crying

then i heard them all yell, i looked up to see them being killed one after another

they were being frozen.

i saw all of them frozen then i heard a yell

"Now Shatter to stars!"

I saw all of the frozen hollows Shatter and the ice was in stars.

after a few moments i looked behind me to see a woman, she had long red hair with hazel eyes and a blue kimono

she was beautiful, she smiled and i got up from the ground

"Whats your name little boy?"

She asked me and i gulped

"S-shuuhei, y-yours?"

she started to laugh and i looked down as she walked by me

"My name is Katania, Katania Hitsugaya, Shuuhei, were you scared?"

i nodded and she smiled warmly at me, who was she?

"Do you want some tea?"

she asked me and i nodded as she led me to a path

"I have a little daughter you could probaly play with if you want but i must recommend that you be nice"

She giggled and i smiled back as she led me to a clearing

There was a huge house that had a huge front yard, and it was a japanese styled house.

i walked with her through the yard to the front door, as she opened it

the living room was huge and i saw the huge hallway, with a door at the end

"Come sit in the living room, ill prepare some tea Shuuhei"

i sat down as she went into a room that was probaly the kitchen.

then i heard a little yell

"Mama, Mama, are you home?"

i saw a little girl come into the living room and looked at me

"Who are you?"

she said skittishly and i scratched the back of my neck

"Shuuhei, yours?"

She walked closer

she had a kimono on with red Camila flowers on it, and she had red hair that was long and went down to her butt

"Kate, How did you get in here?"


i was interupted by that woman coming in, she smiled as she saw The little girl, and the little girl giggled

"Mama, hes got funny hair"

"Kate, thats rude, hes got adorable hair like yours"

I heard them then she set the tea down in front of the coffee tableand looked at me

"Shuuhei, this is my daughter i was talking about, she's 4 so she can walk and talk"

Kate ran into one of the bedrooms again frowning and i gave a questioned look

"Its ok, she just misses him"

"Misses who?"

i asked then she had a frown on her face as well while she was pouring tea

"Her older brother was taken a couple of weeks ago and now, its just me and her in this big house"

"Oh, sorry about your lost-"

she smiled at me as i said that then i silenced

"Shuuhei, where is your family?"

i looked away and sighed

"They got killed by hollows and now, im an orphan"

she patted my head lightly and smiled

"Shuuhei, what happened with those hollows your were running from"

"I tried playing with my friend Ikki but they came and we ran, he got away from the chase but i was left to die"

she frowned at me and sipped her tea

"Shuuhei, you were brave if i had to say, not many rukon children can survive from a hollow encounter"

she said smiling and i grinned a little

"I would have been dead if you didnt come Katania"

"Im too old for fighting hollows anymore"

she laughed and i smiled more

"Katania, thanks for the tea but i have to go-"

"-Shuuhei, do you have a home at all?"

I stopped in my tracks of walking out the door.

No i dont, but i have to look for Ikki

"Y-yea i do its-"

She gave me a glare and i sighed

"No, i dont, i just want to find my friend Ikki and-"

"Shuuhei, I saw what Ikki did, he left you, i know i shouldnt be the one saying this but, maybe its best for him to find his own way"

i looked down and then looked at her with a sorrow look

"Shuuhei, you can stay here if you want, i have a spare room and we have plently of supplies for you to stay here"

She said that then i grinned a little

"I geuss it will feel good to stay at a permanent home for good"

she smiled and she walked over to me and hugged me

"Shuuhei, dont ever worry about anything that could make you nervous, ever"

i smiled and she let me out of the hug

"Kate come out here!"

she yelled then kate came rushing in giggling

"What is it Mama?"

"Shuuhei here, is going to be living with us for now on, ok?"

she nodded at Katania then Kate looked at me

"Come play in the backyard with me Shoohie!"

She grabbed my arm and led me to a backdoor

"My names Shuuhei!"

she giggled and she dragged me to a pond,

Geuss a new life is needed after all heh

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