Chapter 3: Brown eyes

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~2 weeks later~

~Kate pov~

I woke up and I instantly went for my outfit I picked out for today

A pair of jeans with a star on them and a red shirt, I love stars so I put a star head band on too, I don't know why but they amaze me, I probably will say that a lot since I relate to them A lot in a way.

Daddy came to check on me because it was time for breakfast.

I had bacon with eggs and cereal while daddy had tea and rice, He doesn't seem to eat a lot of sweets but when he does it's a very little proportion, but I looked at my long hair, and squinted at it. Because of it's unusual color I always wonder why I have it.

"Daddy, why is my hair so long?"

I asked in curiosity as he rubbed the top of my head laughing like a big old goof.

"Because you're born that way, like Repunzel!"

I giggled and finished my breakfast, while daddy got his jacket and stripped hat on.

Daddy has weird fashion, although he wears weird shoes made out of wood and strings, clogs I think they're called.

We got into the car and daddy talked about how his store is selling chocolate gummies, and other American products.

Oh, daddy has a store that's in the front of the house, it's called the Urahura shop.

He sells candy and stuff so I don't pay attention that much, only when I want to steal some low-key without him watching, but really he knows.

He put me in the backseat of his van (I don't use a car seat since I'm big enough to not use one pff) and as we were driving I saw the other parents walking with their kids, I had to put on a yellow hat just like them. So many girls and boys that would be in the same class as me, but I saw out of the corner of my eye a beautiful woman, she had long curly orange strawberry hair and she was so pretty, with a tan dress on. 

it was until We got into the drive way of the school when daddy kissed me good bye that I snapped back to where I was.

"I'll pick you up later, have a good day! "

I noodled and went into the building, finding my classroom and getting my bag and stuff situated, I looked over at Kiki and her friends were sitting at a table getting a sea ready for me, then I saw some boys gathered at a corner looking as if they were cornering someone in there.

"Kiki what are they doing?"

I asked with a doubtful look, she would probably lie to me if anything.

"Just taking care of something for us"

What? Us? When was I associated with stuff like this?

"What do you mean?"

I asked once more with more question as she just colored in her coloring book

"That weird boy with hair like yours, he's really mean, so the boys are taking care of him"

I think she's lying. So in rage I stood straight up glaring.

I went over to the group of boys and saw the kid was starting to cry, with rage I shouted at them

"Leave him alone! He didn't do anything! Get out!"

The boys gave me a glare and I saw them walking away from me/

"Are you ok?"

I asked the boy and he looked at me, he stood up, he's a little shorter than me, which isn't so surprising since I'm taller then a lot of boys, he also had some bruises on his knees and legs.

"I guess.. but Why'd you do that huh?"

"Do what exactly?"

Somehow my cheeks started to get warm, and I looked at the boy, he did have the same hair color as  me. But he gave an attitude with it, making me a bit annoyed.

"Why did you stand up to those boys for me, I don't need help!"

He said being an arrogant and stubborn Idiot, this kid right here.

"Cause I can you stupid head, now why did they beat you up?"

I asked and he rubbed his nose with his arm keeping a brave look as he was crossing them not making eye contact.

"Because, Kiki was jealous of my two friends, she wanted to hurt them, but I wanted to.."

He trailed off and I looked at him with curiosity

"Wanted to do what?"

"I wanted to Protect them"

I smiled and laughed a bit before he gave an annoyed glare.

"Well, that's very nice, I'm Kate Hitsugaya, what's your name?"

He looked at me, he had brown eyes, just like my daddy. they were so kind looking and I made sure not to smile, because he's being a total jerk, brown eyes or not.

"I'm Ichigo Kurosaki"

He said and I immediately started to walk back to my table waving and laughing

"Ok Ichi!"

I sat back down and he yelled in annoyance and anger, as he sat back at his table and I heard laughs around.


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