Chapter 2

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Once we got home, I quickly hoped on upstairs, taking the gift with me. I reach my room, put the gift down and slowly reach my hand to grab what was inside. It was a......locket, marked S. Aww, so sweet and something else.....his cover of 'This Town'. I put on the necklace, and listen to the cover for a while.

5 minutes later...

That was his best cover yet.


Robbie: Did u open ur presents yet?

Me: I just did. That was 1 of ur best covers yet :)

Robbie: Thx. Cant wait till Mon ;p

Me: Same;)

Just at the same moment, Ava, Laurel, and Diana text me.

Ava: Ooh, did u open his gift yet?

Laurel: I'm so excited to find out. I bet its a love note.

Diana: Nah, prob one of his covers or something.

Me: I just opened it.

Laurel: Well?

Me: Locket and a cover.

Diana: I knew it!

Ava: What's inside the locket?

Me: Idk, I'm about to find out.

I take the locket and open the clasp. It was a quote:

Take my hand, my heart, and my soul

because  it was all meant for you.


Aww so sweet of him. I take a pic of the quote, and send to the group chat.

Ava: Aww.

Diana: So sweet.

Laurel: Robara forever!

*Robert's POV*

I couldn't help jumping around for Monday. Even if it was the first day of school, I'll finally see the squad and....Sara, I sigh. Boy, do I miss her. Anyways... Not to mention, Will's absurd advice. Ah, good times.


Speaking of Will...

Will: Did she like ur gift?

Me: no.

Will: oh

Me: She loved it XD

Will: Thx to urs truly :))

Me: Oh Will


I enter the building with excitement. 156, Mrs. Queen's room. I slowly open the door, seeing Will outside Mrs. Queen's door.

"Hey, Robbie," Will greets.

"Hey, Will," I reply.

"Has Sara got here yet?" Will smirked.

"No, has Laurel got here yet?" I ask him.

"Nope," Will frowns.

"Looks like you have your own Lill drama to deal with."


"What happened. At the party, you guys were great."

"Yeah, but throughout the summer, I would never have any time for texts, calls or Face Times, and our connection was lost. Then one day, Laurel called it off, she's still mad at me, she's giving me the silent treatment."

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