Chapter 9

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"Here," I hand the bag of the hersheys.

"This for me?!"

"Yeah, and I have to tell you something."

"Yeah, I'm listening."

"You might think that I like Maya, I did. But after a week hanging out with her, I realized she's one of those stuck-up populars, I'm nothing like her."

Laurel's eyes light up. "Are you saying, what I think your saying?"

"Laurel, what I'm trying to say is...."

"Will's growing up!" Robert intrudes.

"I'd rather be with you," Will bursts.

Laurel gives me an immediate hug.

"So, is that a yes?"


"Aww, Will..," Mr. Lance awed.

"Woah, the grandpa does have a soul," Ava gasped, sarcastically.

"Happily ever after," Robert and Sara finished.

"Will! You dumped me for that rat?!" Maya storms off.

"You better go after her," Robert advised.

"Don't listen to Robert. Don't  go after her, you have what you want," Ava argued.

"Yeah, but I have to clear it up with her," I said, bolting to the back of the room, where Maya sits sadly.


"Will...Sorry, I freaked out. I always knew there was something between you two. You deserve to be happy, go to Laurel."



I walk away, with a smile.

"Well?!" Robert asks.

"She said she understands, that I should be with Laurel."

"Oh, she's wasn't that bad after all," Ava admits.

"What're you talking about, she was part of this 'Lill' drama! Diana shouts.

"Y'all better quiet down over there!" Mr. Lance ordered.

"Does he ever stop yelling at kids?" Sara asked.

"I don't think so. It's in 50% of his job description," Ava said, sarcastically.

"So true," everyone agreed.

"So, I take it that 'Lill' is back and back for good?" Robert asks, with a smile.

"Yup," I say, smiling at Laurel. "Forever."


*Phone rings*

Mr. Lance hurries to pick it up.


Indistinct voice came from the phone.

"Okay, sure. For the rest of the year, you say?"

"Yes, I'm moving back to England," the voice from the phone said.

"Who was that?" Sara asks.

"Mrs. Queen."

"She's moving back to England."

"Well, good for her," I whisper.

"Now, no more stupid assigned seats," Ava reminded.

"But we have him--Diana points to Mr.Lance--as our homeroom."

"At least, we don't have 'Mrs. Good O'l England'," Ava said, confidently.

"I never noticed her english accent at all," Will says, in a bad british accent.

"Haha, these times I will remember forever," Robert assured us.

"Yup, we all will," Sara agreed.

"Ooh, a 'Robara' moment."

"Speaking of moments, Sara told me, you and Jonathan had a moment, Diana," Robert chuckles.

"Yeah, it wasn't really a moment, though," Diana confirmed.

"Listen up, y'all."

The room was filled with silence.

"I  have news. Just like every year, we're gonna have a end-of-year party. But this year, there's a catch."

"What?" Tyler blurts.

"You would know, if you let me finish," he says, eying Tyler. "So as I was saying, there's a catch...You have to get A/B honors or A honors to go, this quarter," Mr. Lance announced. "You may proceed to whatever y'all were doing."

"We're all going to make it guys," Sara assured. "Don't worry. If you guys want, we can have study group, every now and then," she suggested.

"Sure, are we doing it for all subjects?" Will asked.


"Then I'm in."

Everyone noded.

"Sounds like we have a plan."

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