Chapter 25

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"What were you and Robert talking about?" Sara skeptically asks.

"Umm, we have a science project to do..."

"Ok.. I'm taking your word for it...," Sara confirms.

Phew, that was so close. I guess I stand corrected, Sara didn't notice anything..

*Sara's POV*

I have a feeling that Ava's hiding something... And science project with Robert??? Mr. Lance hasn't assigned us a project since...last year... Like what the heck.

"Ava...we haven't had a science project since...last year," I smirk.



"It was a extra credit thing..."

"Sure... Ava, tell me the real reason... By the way, Mr. Lance never gives us extra credit projects..."


*Ava's POV*

I have no options, except tell Sara the truth.... But there's always the option of lying but that hasn't gotten me anywhere... So...

"Sara.. What I'm gonna tell you is gonna either shock you or frighten you..."

"I'm fine, just tell me," I sighed.

"Robert..," I whisper in her ear.

"What the heck," she whispers.

"Yeah... Don't even think about asking why.. I'm not going to tell.."

"Aww.... But I wanna know..."

It's pretty obvious. Why does she still need a hint...?

"Guys, sorry to interrupt your guys' little conversation, but we need to rehearse.. the party's in three days..," Diana chimes in.

"Yes, Di. But we are not doing it at Jon's house for sure..."

"Of course not... No mine or yours.."

"Why?" dead

"We are already did at your house..."

"Oh yeah.."

"Alright, my house at 5?" Sara speaks up.

"Alright then.. Let me send the information to the group. There sent! See you at 5, Sara...," Diana walks away.

*Robert's POV*

I just saw Ava whisper something to Sara. I hope it's not what I think it is, or else I'm dead.. I worked so hard to try to impress Sara...

"Ava!" I call Ava over.


"What did you tell Sara..?"

"Don't worry I told her that it was for math..."

"Good. You're really good at lying."

"Yup, that what happens when you watch PLL.."


*Barry's POV*

Over the past week, I was forced to make a choice.. Mona or Sara. But I finally came to a  choice... Sara. How could I be so blind and fall for a ugly witch? How should I break the ice--band practice. Perfect.

"Dude, I heard you guys were performing?" Will walked over.

"Yeah.. We're really excited..."

"What song are you playing?"

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