Chapter 18

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*Diana's POV*

I can't believe saw him again.... But I can't help but smile...No,'re stronger than that.. Stupid fate... Why do you try to ruin our lives..?

"Diana...we need to talk about what happened yesterday..."

Oh no... Here comes the lecture of the year...aka, the worst lecture about the worst topic ever...boys...

"Coming, Mom," I say, shakily. I slowly went down the stairs, hoping the future is brighter for Diana Thomas.

"About time," Mom says, unimpressed. "About yesterday...?"


"Why was your friend's dad so...informal?"

"Umm....he was raised in Texas..."

"Ah, explains that... But explain how you know that.."

" know Future City?"

"Yes... of course...Future City's is like half of your life!"

" friend, the friend that you met yesterday--Jonathan... I have it with him--"

"That explains it..."

"Mom, please don't!"

"Diana, it's for your own good..."

"Give me your phone..."

"Mom, please..."

"Diana, now!"

I give her my phone, hesitantly... Here comes a month's grounding...Nice going, Diana....

"Ah... I'm sensing in the air...Diana--"

"Mom, let me explain..."

"Yes, you will... Explain, "Meet you at The Pit in 5 minutes..." Diana...I expected more from you..."


"You said that you were going to the library..."

"Diana...your grounded!" She said, crying...

"Mom, how about a deal?!"

"Diana, please--"

"How about I don't communicate with Jonathan texts, calls, face times, emails, or future city...," I blurted.

"I're off the hook this time."

Oh god. What have I done...

"Oh, Diana.."


"Don't forget to block him on Instagram and imessage..."

"Yes, Mom..."

Regrets. Regrets. If Fate does something...You know what...let's take advantage of this, this means Fate isn;t going to do anything...Maybe this won;t be bad..who am I kidding..this is gona be a nightmare...

*Ava's POV*

Something's going on with Diana...and Detective Ava's  here to solve the mystery...even if the ending is a bit obvious...

First, I need to come up with a diversion... I got it...Girl's night..with Sara, Diana...


That must be--Tessa? I haven;t talk to her in forever...

Tessa: Hey, Ava. It's been awhile... I hv news...

Me: What?!

Tessa: Im moving to Ridgewood Academy:P

Me: Yay! When?

8th grade dramaOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant