Chapter 5

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*Robert's POV*

*That evening*

I was face timing Ava, Diana, and Sara.

"Guys, it's been a day without talking to Will," I informed them.

"We know, Sherlock," Ava assured. "We also know, that the Lill problem still hasn't been solved."

"Yeah, Robert," Diana agreed. "To make it worse, there's the new girl, Maya," Diana sighs in disgust.

"Maybe, Will and Maya are just really good friends, like best friends--Wait.--"

"Here it comes," Ava smirks.

"I'm his best friend!" I surprisingly scream.

"There it is!" Ava marks.

[Audience laughs]

"So what're we going to do about Lill?" Sara changes the topic.

"That reminds me, Robert. You said you had some plan," Diana skeptically remarks.

"Oh, about that...I'm working on it," I grin, sheepishly.

The next morning...

"Just go up to him, and tell him to stop talking to Maya!" Ava suggests.

"I can't, it'll crush him!"

"Robert--I think you don't know your best friend, it's Will, the 'relationship expert',remember? He can understand if its for a relationship."

"True, he always understands."

"So, what're we going to do about Maya?" Sara changes the topic.

"I don't know, introduce her to new friends," Diana pointed out the obvious.

"I agree with Diana, we need to keep Maya distracted," Ava agreed.

"What're we going to do about Will?" I ask, curiously.

"We're going to--there's a thing called talking--you're going to 'talk' to him," Ava explained in the most explainable voice ever.

"So, it's settled, we're seperating Maya and Will."

"He's got it!" Ava exclaims.

"We're going to end 'Mill' forever."

"Oh my god, he's getting in to the ship names thing!" Diana gasps.

"He's mom's going to be so proud, that he has friends like us,
" Ava said, modestly. We're such good influences," Ava proclaimed.

"You know it!" Diana and Sara.


*The next morning*

"Guys, the plan is still on? Right?"

"And he's back," Ava announced.

"Actually I liked the other Robert," Diana admitted.

"Actually, I prefer this Robert," I blurted.

"Of course you do," Diana and Ava laugh.

Will approaches us. With Maya. The devil.

"Hey guys, let me introduce to Maya Greene, she's new."

"Yeah, we know," Robert says, dully.

"Maya, let me introduce to Robert," he says, pointing to me. "Diana, Sara, and Ava," he says pointing to us.

"Yeah, Robert and I have met. But nice to meet you, girls."

"You too," we reply, weakly.

*Sara's POV*

"Does Laurel know about Maya?" I whisper to Ava.

"I mean, she looks happy to see Maya, I even heard they're best friends," Ava admitted.

We see Maya going over to Laurel, hugging her.

"It looks like Laurel's happy for 'Mill'," Diana examined.

"But I think Laurel is actually jealous," I whisper.

"Yeah, there could be a possibility, that's what happens in most cases," Ava adds.

"Anyways, guys, jealous or not, we need to get to the bottom of this 'Lill' case, before 'Mill' goes public," Robert suggest.

"I think it's way too late for that," Ava mentions, looking over at Maya and Will telling everyone about them.

"We--you need to take action right now! Go over there and go talk to him, genius!" Diana shouted at Robbie.

"What am I suppose to tell him?" Robbie said, not knowing what to do.

"Just go up to him, and tell him what you think about 'Mill'," I advised him.

Robbie gave me worried face. "Don't worry, he'll listen to you, you're his best friend," I told him confidently.

"Okay, I got this, I'm going to go up there and confront Will."

"Oh my gosh! Ava, he knows the beauty of confrontation!" Diana says, dramatically.

Robert goes up to him.

*Robert's POV*

"Will, we need to talk."

"Sure, whatcha ya need?"

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