Chapter 22

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*Second block* *Sara's POV*

Social Studies, my favorite class, besides science.

"Hey, Sara. Can I borrow an expo marker?" Tyler asked.

"Oh sure," I throw it to him.

"No throwing stuff!" Ms. T advised us.

"Here," Tyler throws it back.

I try to catch it, but fail. The marker slams into my glasses lens ,and they pop out.

"Sara, do you want to go to the nurse?" Ms. T asked, squeamishly.

"Yeah. But I don't think I can go alone," I insisted.

"I'll pick someone to go along with you," she told me,"umm...Barry, go walk Sara to the office..."

Barry walks up to me and opens the door for me.

I heard so many rumors of Barry liking Mona, the most peopular person in our grade... But it can't possibly be true right...



"So, I heard things about you liking Mona..."

"Sara, it's not what you think!"

"Barry, I have something to confess before I hear the truth..."

"What is it?"

"I like you, Barry..."

"I do too..."

"Wait so about the Mon--"

"I like her too..."

"What the frick? How do you like two people at once?"

"Oh, It's something only special people can do..."

"Ok then... So on season 3 of The Flash, there's a musical!"

"There is?!"

"Yup and in this one," I sigh," he sings and dances!"

"Oh my god!"


"Lucky us for meeting him.."

"I know right..."

"If I didn't meet Flash fandom would've disappeared."

"That's no true. You would still have me..."

Well, I don't know about that anymore...

*Ava's POV*

I can't wait for the band's first official meeting! It's gonna be great! I just hope Diana's mom won't criticize us..too much. But anyways, we're gonna do good at the party. That's for sure...

"Ava, you were going to sing us 'Mine' today," Mr. Waller reminded.

"Oh yeah," I say, getting up.

I clear up my throat.

You were in college, working part-time, waiting tables..

*Robert's POV*

Things with Maya are going pretty well... I guess that 'breakup' was just a little game. I guess leaving Sara was for the best..

"Hey, Robbie. Hurry up! PLL is almost over!" Maya shouted.

"Coming, Mai!"

*Sara's POV* *Afterschool*

"Guys, have we got our parts memorized?" Ava asked us, as if we're her students.

"Yup," everyone noded.

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