Chapter 14

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"So...have you started Arrow?" Barry started.

"Dang! It was getting really good!" Ava yelps.

"Seriously? Does it have to be like this all the time?" I confessed.

"Yeah. You and Barry are goals!"


"We appreciate the appreciation, but no one like stalkers..," Barry defended.

"Fine, we'll leave you for now," Ava nods. "Come on, Diana," Ava walks away.

"So...about the Arrow thing..."


"Turns out...I watched Arrow before--in 7th grade. I must've been waiting for season 4, and sorta got off track..."

"It's alright. I'll tell you what's going on..."

"No! I don't want any spoilers!"

"Ok...your loss..."

*Robert's POV*

I have a feeling--that I'm trying too hard to avoid Sara. I have to follow what Will said--for sure, o be safe--also because I have no other choice. Actually, I do: destroying Barry and Sara's relationship--but Sara deserves to be happy. She's happy with Barry, so it's Barry she'll get...

"Hey, man," Will waves.

"Hey, bro."

"How are you holding up?"

"Not very good."

"Here's an idea: go make new friends!"

"Thanks, man!" I say, approaching Maya.

"Hey, Maya."

"Hey, Robert."

"How's life?"



"Sara dump you?"

"Yep. You haven't heard?"

"Yeah. I've been shun from the world," she says, quietly.

"Well...just know.. I'm here to keep you company..."


"It's funny....We're aiming for the people we'll never get."

"Yeah...The funny thing is that I'm in love with my ex's best friend."

"Yeah...and I'm in love with my best friend's ex." We both chuckle for a minute.

Will gives me a thumbs up from the back and mouths," Ask her to a movie."

I nod and look at her with nervous eyes. "Would you like to go to a movie with me on Saturday?"

"Yeah.. Depends...what movie?"

"Umm, your call..."

"How about....Jungle Book?"

"Yeah.. sure."

"Okay. It's settled then."

"Yup," I sigh. Hopefully, this date will go better than my last date with Sara. Even thinking about her makes me sad. Oh, life, why do you hate me so?

*Barry's POV*

"So...Laurel dies?" Sara shocked, gasps.

"Yeah...well, I think...," I assume.

"Aww, I actually liked Laurel and Oliver..."

"Yeah.. Same, I like Felicity and Barry way better than Barry and Iris..."

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