Chapter 12

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*Sara's POV*

Today was the day of my movie 'date' with Barry. I just hope anything awkward happens like my last date, hopefully not.

I grab my purse, with my phone inside and walk outside with my 'The Flash' shirt with my jeans.

I text Barry.

Me: I'm ready.

Barry: k. I'll be thre in a flash :p

Me: Ha see u

With that being texted, I put away my phone and stare up at the sky. Why can't life be easy, with no feelings.

"Hey," Robert says.


"Are you going to the Lego Batman movie too?"

"Yeah, are you?"


Barry comes running over.

"Sorry, Robert. I got to go."

"Yeah, bye," he says, drifted.

I approach Barry with a smile.

"How are we going to get there?"

"The movie theatre that has the movie is across the street."

"Well, on that case...Let's go."


"So, what's going on...."

"I have to tell you something...."


"Promise me you won't get freaked out."

"Ok, I promise."


"Yeah, what about him?..."

"We're half brothers...."



"So, have you watched the recent episode of Flash?" I change the topic.

"Yeah...Recently, I have been watching Arrow, it's really good too. Plus, season 3 includes a Flash crossover."

"Yesss, I need to start."

" are you weirded out  about the whole brother thing?"

"Eh, not at all...," I lied. Of course I was...I liked your half brother!

"Ok.. I just wanted to make sure..."

*Barry's POV*

After a few more minutes talking with Sara, we finally reached the movie theatre.

"So, we're here..," Sara sighed

"Yup," I assured.

I gave the ticket master our cards and held the door for Sara.

"After you."

"Thank you."

We walked in and came to the concessions stand.

"Do you want the large or medium?" I ask.

"Medium," Sara quietly responded.

"What drink do you want?"



"Can we get a medium popcorn and 2 fantas?"

A concession stand worker nodded and handed us our orders.

"So, are you excited for the movie?" I ask.

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