Chapter 8

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"Whatever," Laurel scoffs. "He has Maya, remember?" Laurel mocks.

"Shh, I'm trying to hear their conversation," Diana silenced us.

"How are you liking the movie, so far?" Will asked quietly.

"Eh, but it would be better if you were in it," Maya joked.

"Oh my gosh, they are so disgusting," Ava quietly whispered.

"Sara, I have something to tell you." Laurel whispers.

"Yes?" I reply.

"I still like Will...."

"Girl! We've known that!" Ava chimes in.

"Really? How?"

Wow, she's so clueless, just like Will. They really do belong together.

" stare at him. You try to talk trash about him, but you don't. That was enough proof," Diana confirmed.

"Well, I do make it obvious," Laurel blushes.

*Will's POV*

I can't believe what I just heard! Laurel still likes me this is my chance!

Will looks back at Maya, with a frown.

"Then, how am I suppose to find a reason for breaking up Maya?"

"I don't know....telling her how you feel about Laurel and tell her that she deserves better," Ava said, talking like an expert.

"B-But, I'm not those straight forward types, you know?" Will says, quietly.

"Well, that's how most fairytales end, but I guess you don't want your happy ending."

I think to myself for a second. "Okay, I'm in."

"Great! So in homeroom on Monday, you're going to do that."


Ava scooches back into her seat, leaving Maya confused.

"What were you and Ava talking about?"

"Umm, politics, you know that--Inauguration Day stuff."

"Will, we've discussed this many times! Don't lie to me!" Maya screamed.

Maya gets out of her seat and exits.

"Well, that was one way to do it. But you've taken Maya out of this drama, all you have left is Laurel," Diana reminded.

"Yeah, I know," I say, looking at her enjoying the movie.

"Did I just hear, what I think I heard?" Sara asked, amused.

"Yup. Our boy, Will, is gonna do u-know-what," Ava squealed.

"When did this all happen?"

"During the movie."

"Wait, you guys weren't watching the movie?"

"Well...we watched half of it. Then we had some pep talk with Will..."

"Well, I'm excited to see how Monday goes," I say, smirking.

*Diana's POV*

"So are we leaving or what?" I ask, groaning.

"We're gonna leave when everyone is gone," Ava remarked.

"Everyone left," Laurel informed.

We exit the room, and go outside to wait for Laurel's parents to pick us up. We see tem, and get in their car.

"So, what about that long conversation, you were going to talk to Jonathan about?" Sara reminded.

"Oh, I'm gonna have the conversation tonight."

As the night passes..Laurel's parents dropped us off home, one by one.

"Bye, Laurel."

"Bye, Diana."

I get out from the car, waving a quick good bye.

I knock on the door, waiting for Mom to open the door. Mom finally opens the door.

"Welcome-," Mom tried to greet.

I run upstairs, into my room, with my phone. Well, time to sort this out with Jonathan.

Me: Hey

There was no response...yet.

He answered after a minutes.

Jonathon: Hey what's up

Diana: I hv a bone to pick w/ u

Jonathon: Oh gosh

Diana: Oh gosh is right. How could u not tell me ab Maya being ur sister!

Jonathan: I thought u wouldn't care.

Diana: I would. Anyways, can u do me a favor?

Jonathan: Anything.

Diana: Tell Maya to stay away from Laurel & Will.

Jonathan: Something happened between those 3?

Diana: Were u not here for the past week?

Jonathan: Srry I'm oblivious to evrythng

Diana: Lol

Well, I'm glad I got everything sort out with him today, or else it would've been the worst on Monday!

*Will's POV*

What am I suppose to say to Laurel, what am I gonna do," I thought to myself, worryingly.

"What's wrong, Will?" Mom asked me, coming in.

"Umm, it's nothing.

"William Henry Oyen! You're gonna tell me, what's going on here!"

"Fine, I'm trying to admit my feelings to someone, but I don't know how."

"Impress her, for all I know. But whoever this girl is, she has bad taste," Mom says, grumpily.

"Thanks, Mom. For the first time advice thing," I thought to myself. "If I'm really going to impress Laurel, I'm really gonna need some...Hershey!"

*Monday morning*

"Listen up, maggots! Mrs. Queen will be returning this afternoon, and she's expecting a good note from y'all!" Mr. Lance sternly, reminded us.

"Yes, Mr. Lance," everyone replied, orderly.

"Now y'all sit down, so I can take the roll."

We all sit down.

"When are you going to tell her?" Ava asked, whispering.

"After roll."

"Okay. Ooh, Hershey, you're going to knock her off her feet for sure!"

"Thanks, and for the record, I don't intend on knocking anyone off their feet."

"It's an expression," Ava reminds, rolling her eyes.

After a few minutes, the roll was over. Time to tell Laurel.

"Hey, Laurel," I say, nervously.

"Hey," Laurel says, her voice drifting off.

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