Chapter 27

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*4:30* *Barry's POV*

I'm not mad at Sara. I'm just a little sad...why didn't she tell him about S.R sooner? I mean, I can go overboard, but I deserve to know things too....

*Doorbell rings*

"Barr, who did you invite over this time?" Mom asked.

"Oh, it's just a couple of friends," I say, getting the door.

"Hey, guys! Welcome!" I greet them.

"Hey, Barr!" Diana, Ava and Jon exclaimed.

"Hey...," Sara slowly said.

"Barr, I didn't know that you having girls over...," Mom intruded.

"Mom!" Everyone chuckles.

"What? You never really talk about your that Sara, the one you talk about?" Mom asks, pointing at Sara.

"Yes, Ms. Allen. I'm Sara. This is Ava, Diana and Jonathan," I say, introducing everyone.

"Well, nice to meet you all," Ms. Allen greets with a smile.

"You too," everyone responded.

"So, should I show you our practice place?" I guide them to the garage.

When we got there, everyone gasped.

"Barry, it's like you were expecting to be in a band one day..," Jon compliments.

"I'll take that as a compliment...," I responded.

"So, everyone ready to start?" Ava asked.

*Maya's POV*

Something's going on with's not that he's answering my calls or texts. It's--fine, it is. It's not like him...I'm beginning to suspect he still likes Sara...he makes it so obvious.. I've been hearing stuff about some S.R person texting Sara. I bet it's Robert. I have to have a talk with Robert.

Me: We hv to talk

Robbie: What is it.

Me: uve been acting diff lately

Robbie: No I hvnt Im the same old Robbie

Me: Whos S.R?

Robbie: idk what ur talking ab

Me: Dont lie Robbie. U kno I hate lies

Robbie: I need to tell u something...

Me: Here it comes...u think I'm a good person, but I deserve better?

Robbie: Nope.

Me: Rude

Robbie: Ur a great person!

Me: <3

Robbie: But u deserve way better than me...

Me: oh

Robbie: I mean it

Me: so u r S.R?

Robbie: Maybe or maybe not...

Me: ur doing this for Sara

Robbie: -_-

Me: I knew it! We're through!

Robbie: But I just ended it a minute ago

I block Robert. Glad I got to know the truth. Even if it was ugly. Robert likes Sara. Sara likes Barry....Now I know why Ridgewood didn't get #1 in the district. It got #1 in the dramatic category...How am I still here? I should be in California right now...

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