Chapter 19

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"But seriously, why didn't you tell me?" Sara asked.

"'re not the best therapist...," Diana admitted.

"Fine, but I could've inquired some input," she says, sighing.

"Guys, let's just stay calm for a minute...," I tried to calm them down.

"I got a new name for our band," Diana bursted.

"What. It has to be better than 'Legends of Music,'" I reminded her.

"Don't worry, it's called 'Fate Haters!" Diana says.

"Umm, I'm a fate supporter. Let's call it 'Fate Supporters'!" I suggested.

"Sure. But I have to confess..."


"I can't be in the band..."

"What?! Why not?!"

"Because... My mom said to stay away from Jonathan..and that includes the band..."

"But does she know about the band...?"


"Then..why drop out?"

"Because she'll find out eventually. That's what happened to Jonathan and me..."


"No, not aww. I've been trying to avoid him all day..."

"Oh, yeah. He told me to tell him when I find you.."

" I am..."

"But you can't tell Jonathan this..."


"'ll hurt his feelings..."

"Aww, you actually do care..."

"No, Ava. I'm just saying that because we're the worst of friends," Diana says, sarcastically.

"Oh, yeah. He wouldn't stop talking about you.. He was like," I can't go five minutes with talking to her..."

"Yeah. But it's my mom, we're talking about..."

"Doesn't matter. Fate will do something to bring you together..."

"Let's hope.."



*Diana's POV*

I can't stand not talking to Jonathan. He's my best friend, like he said, I can't survive five minutes without talking to him...

*Monday morning*

"Diana, here he comes," Ava says, warning me.

"Ava.. Tell him..."

"Are you sure...?"

"Yeah.. I just want this drama to end.."

Jonathan sees us and comes up to us, with a smile.

"Diana, I think it's best if you tell him..."

"You know what.. I could care less right now.."

I walk up to him, before he can reach another step.

"Hey, Diana. Where were--"

"Jon, we need to talk.."

"What is it...?"

"We need to stop contacting each other and everything.."


"Because I don't feel it anymore," I lied, crying inside.

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