Chapter 10

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The next morning...

"Hey," the girls say, smiling.


"SO, are you excited for the end of the year party?"

"Yeah, I can't for the summer, just the perfect time for Canada."

"Well, that seems like an interesting vacation place," Ava said, astonished. "I'm going to Alabama, to visit my grandma."

"I'm going on a road trip to Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh to visit my cousins."

"What about you, Laurel," I ask Laurel, to include her in the conversation.

"Umm, I'm just staying at home and doing some makeup tutorials, maybe some fanfictions."

"Well, I'll be watching those makeup tutorials, so watch out for likes and comments," I wink, joking.

"Okay, I'll keep that in mind," Laurel chuckles.

"Just wondering, what happened to Jenny and Colin?" Diana asks.

"I think Jenny moved schools, according Tyler. About Colin, I think he's in Ms. Benson's homeroom."

"Well...Things aren't the same without Jenny and Colin."

"Actually, they are."

"So...," I try to start a new conversation.

"I heard there's a new kid, and he's joining our science class," Ava informed.

"Why are you telling us this?" I question.

"Because, I thought you would like to know," Ava smirks.

"Ava--I would never!"

"But, you never know. People do stuff all the time!"

"But I'm a good person!"

"Well, we'll have to see," Ava drifted off.


"Class, today, we have a new student joining our class."

"I told you," Ava blurted.

"We'll be working on Punnett squares, just a little review from last year."

"What happened to the Mr. Flowers?" A kid from the back called out.

"He'll be back next month, that's what family business does to you," Mr. Lance sighs.

"Then, why aren't you there?"

"I didn't say we were brothers, we are half brothers. He's visiting his dad, half dad."

"What happened."

As their conversation went on, I prayed we didn't have to do any work. That minute, Mr. Lance went into the lesson. So much for no work.

"So, class, partner up with the person, I assign you with. Don't count on it being one your friends."

As Mr. Lance went around the room, I was praying that I was with Diana, Ava, or Robbie. He finally reached me.

"Your partner is Barry, the new kid, sitting over there," he says, pointing near the back corner.

"Okay, I groan.

I get up and slowly walk by Robbie, who was paired up with Maya.

"Well, that's a thing I never saw coming," I whispered to my self.

I finally  sit next to Barry.



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