Chapter 4

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After a few minutes of total silence...

"Robert, do you just want to tell us after school like we planned?" Ava suggested.

"Ya, okay," Robert agreed.

"Bye," Ava, Diana, and Sara say, excited to go back to class.

*Sara's POV*

I take a turn and a right to the music room. I walk in, seeing everyone glaring at me.

"So how was the talk with Robert?" A girl teased.

"Um, I went to go get a drink of water," I tried to contradicted.



*Bell Rings*

"Oh, yeah, I forgot we get a 5 minutes off," Mr. Richards says, frustrated. "Just remember, study for the lyrics  test for Monday," he reminded us.

After hours in school, it was finally the last class of the day, science. I walk downstairs, take a left, to see everyone crowding around the door.

"Hey," I say to Robert.

"Hey," Robbie replies.

"Who's that, the girl who's talking to Will."

"Yeah, that's Maya. She's new, she's also, not aware of 'Lill."

"Are you worried that Will might be interested in Maya and that are plan might fail."

"No, Will won't like a girl like her."

"How are you so sure?" I ask.

"Why the doubt?"

"Because, look," I tell him.

"Ohh, well...," he says, staring Maya and Will flirting.

A old, fat, man approaches our direction.

"Hello, Class, I'm Mr. Flow. As you can tell from the resemblance, Mr. Lance, the seventh grade science teacher, and I are brothers."

"Oh god, we get the trouble brothers as our science teachers," Robbie says.

"I know right. I actually I liked science, but I the past years have been boring."


"Go inside, sit anywhere for now," Mr. Flowers commands.

We walk, seeing Diana and Ava sitting next to each other, eyeing me.

"Sit here!" They mouth.

"Sorry, Robbie," I sheepishly say.

"It's alright," Robbie says, mellow. Anyways, Will--is sitting next to Maya in the front. Well, someone's gonna ask me to sit in the back with them."

"Robert! Sit here!" Tyler and Oliver mouth.

"Well, there's my cue."


I sit next to Ava and Diana.

"Well, seems like there's less chance of Lill than was expected," Diana says.

"Yeah...Fate has to do it's job now."


"Just like it did for Robara."

"Since, we're all settled, as assumed. Let's get to work. She--pointing to Maya-- will be passing out a reproductive system review sheet."

"Actually, my name is Maya."

"Maya will be doing that," Mr. Flowers corrected.

"Wow, he's as goofy as Mr. Lance was," Diana laughs.

"Yeah, maybe Mr. Flowers  won't be that mad," I laughed along.

After that weird science class, we walked to Mrs. Queen, expecting the worst of her wrath.

"I hope Mrs. Queen will cut us some slack, she's tortured us enough," Diana moaned.

"I know, with the assigned seats," I agreed.

"I wish the squad was sitting next to each other," Robbie chimes in.

We walk in, to see Maya--still here.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you guys, Maya's in our homeroom," Robbie says, sheepishly.

"Oh, we had no idea, Robert!" Diana says, sarcastically.

"Mrs. Queen had to got to Virginia for the rest of the week, so I'm subbing for all of his class," a voice says, approaching us.

"Well, I don't care as long as it's not Mr. Lance. A seventh grade was enough with him," Diana declares.

The figure approaches the corner, looking for the textbooks. I look up.

"Guys, the sub is Mr. Lance!"

"Dang!" Ava blurts.

Mr. Lance turns around and goes to Mr. Queen's desk.

"Mr. Lance is  back!" Mr. Lance announces. 

Diana, Ava, Robbie and I sigh in annoyance.

"Did you miss me?"

"Nope, grandpa," Ava says.

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