Chapter 16

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*Jonathan's POV*

I sit quietly on the bench, waiting for Diana. She said she wanted to talk to me. I hope it it's not like in the dream, or else I'm gonna lose Diana as a friend too. Which means, I have to admit it first, to protect my feelings. I guess it's time to confess my l--l-lo-love for her.

"Hey, Jon."

"Hey, Di."

"Jon, remember how everyone teases us of being more than just friends?"

"About that....Di, I have something to confess...."

"What is it?"

"I like you...."

"Jon, I do too!"

"What since how long?"

"Umm, since last week... How long did you like me?"

"For awhile now...."

"That explains the talking about me to your dad thing," Di chuckles.


"Di, one thing's for sure, we can't tell the band."

"We can't . Or else, Fate Support will be torturing us until our breakup..."

"I know.... Everyone knows it's not fate and it's destiny!"

"Right now, you sound worse than Ava. Destiny and Fate are not real! The only thing that is real is coincidence, that's it."

"Believe what you want to believe. I'm not stopping you..."

"So, anyways.... Do you like the song?"

"How many times I tell you, I'll say the same thing. I love the song, it's simple, short, and sweet."


I guess today won't be that bad as I hoped it would be.

*Sara's  POV*

"So, we're leaving tonight right," I checked with Barry.

"Yep, I can't wait to tell the gang about adventures with Grant!"

"And I still can't believe that the creators took our suggestions!"

"I know. They seem like the independent type," he chuckles.

"They sure do!"

"Hey, Sara, Barry, help pack. This luggage isn't gonna pack it's self!"

"Coming, Mom!"

I guess Comic Con was fun, while It lasted.

*Ava's POV*

I can't believe that I have to write a eulogy for all my family funerals! That's way too much work, but since they're family, I have no option. I guess this going to be a thing now, every time I come to Maine. I atleast hope for something in return.

"Hey, honey," Mom called. "We have something we want to tell you!"

Maybe it's a PLL meet and greet! Only on way to find out!

I run up to them. "What is it?"

"So, since you've been a responsible and mature person lately...your father and I have decided to take you to a PLL meet and greet--but it's better!"

"What's better about this one?"

"Because they'll be coming to our house!"

I start shrieking. "We know you've been waiting for this your whole life."

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