Chapter 20

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*Next day*

"Hey, Jon..."

"Hey, Di..."

"I need to tell you something..."

"What is it?"

"Ava, can you--"

"Yeah, of course," she says, walking away.

"Jon...remember I told you that I can't contact you or anything?"

"Yeah...does that mean FC?"


"No!! You're like the most needed person on the team!"

"Yeah.. I like much. It's like my life. But my mom will find out--"

"Di, it doesn't have to be this way... How about I drop out  and --"

"Jon, do you hear yourself?"

"Di, you said that you loved FC right?"


"Then there is nothing more to say..."

"Jon, you don't need to--"

"Di, I do... Remember what I told you yesterday, part of that means...that I have to be willing to give up somethings.."


"Di, I'm going to drop out of FC..."

"That means no more projects with my best friend.."

"Yeah...but sometimes, things are done for the best...."

"So, true..."

*Jonathan's POV*

"Dude, you have that 'protect Diana look', what's wrong?"

"I'm drop out of FC.."

"Man! You're kidding! FC is your life!"

"It's Di's life too!"

"Yeah... Are you going to tell me what's going on?"

"Yeah... Turns out Di's mom is a bit sexist..."

" her mom is preventing her from being friends because of your guys' genders?"

"'s a cultural thing..."

"Well...that explains it..."

"I requires great heart to give up something you love for someone else..."

"Wait...I'm confused...I thought you and Diana--"

"Umm, it's unofficial. We're not sure..."

"Ok...Just wanted to clear that doubt..."

*Diana's POV*

I'm so glad I cleared everything up with just for my mom. As for FC, I'm just going to continue, when everything is cool with my mom, Jonathan ,and everything else.

"Ava, how much did you hear?"

"Umm, most of it--all of it..."


"Sorry.. But he's giving up FC for you?" I nodd. "Aww, he must really like you..."

"Jezz, Ava. We're best friends.."

"Sure... So, you're going to talk to your mom?"

"Yeah..wish me luck..."

"Di, listen...all you have to say is..,"Mom, we need to talk... I'm going to be friends with Jonathan, no matter what you say..." I shiver, imagining me confronting me. "He dropped out of FC because I can go! Then go on..." I thought about it... I guess it's not bad... 

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