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okay readers, I know I have left you hanging a ling time. I know sorry cant express that enough for how I feel. I also know I've said before I was going to get back in the game, and it didnt happen. At the time I was, but end up moving into a house. So pack and packing a family of five, is something I'll never want to do again! I also had personal things going on, and still dealing with. This book was always on my mind, and hated that I left it for so long.

BUT FINALLY, I just got done re-reading the whole book, and its a good thing I did, becasue I forgot somethings!


CHAPTER 34: Fix the creepy dolls message/riddle some. Hopfully you guys like it!

CHAPTER 35: Fixed the intimancy scene

CHAPTER 36: I remeber reading comments about the Bet between Damian and Lena. Well I decided to change it up, so I didnt end up forgetting about it. Lena doesnt tell him what she would make him do if he loses (so i would re-read that part)

          * Also I know there was many comments about the Hijab, good and bad. Many misunderstanding about it. So I fixed it so maybe it didnt seem so offensive to those who thought it was!

CHAPTER 37: Fixed parts regarding about the bet (so maybe look over it again)

CHAPTER 39: The bet is cleared up and changed (so make sure you re-read that part in the chapter) and I fixed the story of Viola parents, made it more clear hopefully.

CHAPTER 43: Fixed the part regarding the bet again (so please review that)

Over all I fixed some mistakes  when I caught up with re-reading, but till then, I know the story needs alot better editing. But I'm caught up, and going to brain storm tonight where to take this and get this next chapter up.

I know alot of you are thinking, here we go again. But I've been catching up on this storying i think past two weeks, I've left notes on each chapter as well with dates! I'm so motitivated to get this story going again. If it wasn't for the readers comments, I probably would have given up. So think you all for reading this story, and dealing with some of my ups n downs!

please keep all the feedback coming, as I always enjoy the good and the bad. Honesty is all I ask for!

I posted a video I did for my family, becasue as some of you know I stop writing after my grandfather past. I made an 1 yr anniversary in his honor. And that last part of the video, that is from a movie clip some of you are aware of. It reminded me of how my gpa was when he gave us advice, and help remind me that I'm not going to get anywhere if I lose hope. So its time to move forward, and not let daily or other problems stop me from getting what I want done!

So, please stick with me, and I will have the next chapter up with in the next couple days or sooner!

Supernatural Marks Book 1 (Completed/unedited)Where stories live. Discover now