Celebrating A Break Up!

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David POV

For some reason I am at school like an hour earlier than usual. "Why the hell am I here so early?" I stay in my car until I see Tony and Tina, I get out my car and walk towards them, "David why are you here so early?" Tina ask me as she is getting out the car. "Yeah, I don't even know myself. I asked myself the same question."

"David, did Jacey tell you what happen yesterday?" Tony ask me as he is getting his things out his car. I give him a confused look, "No, why? What happen?" Before Tony could tell me, Tina tells me instead, "She beat the shit out of Nicole yesterday at Zack's house!"

"Swear to Jesus! There is no way that could have happened!" Tony nods his head, "Its true, I'm surprise you and Jacey wasn't on the phone last night."

"I tried calling her, but she wouldn't pick up. Wait, so how did ya'll find out?"

"Jonny told me and I told Tony and now you know." Jonny pulls up and with him is Christy, "Let me guess ya'll just told David about what happen between Jacey and Nicole?" Christy laughs at me, I guess I still have a shocking look on my face.

"Wait Christy, you already know? How do you know?" She shrugs her shoulders, "Jonny told me and I told Layla. You can tell Layla know by the way she's running over here."

Layla runs over here out of breath, "Oh my god! Have ya'll seen Nicole face?! I wanna see what it looks like." Jacey comes up to us and hit Layla on the head, "Calm down Layla, its not that big of a deal."

"Jacey! Why am I the last one to know about this out of everybody?!" She looks at me and gives me a smile, "I tried calling you this morning, but you didn't pick up. So I went ahead and told Jonny." I look at my phone and I am just now seeing the miss calls from her.

I start pouting and Jacey just pats my head, "Its okay David, at least everybody knows about it." She jumps on my back and we head for the school entrance.

Zack POV and Lunch

"Hey Zack, aren't ya'll playing in the national championship game?" Tina is sitting in Jonny lap because our table is full now with Nicole sitting with us today, "Um yeah, its next week, cheer leaders and basketball players gets their own bus. Also we will have a couple buses taking some of the students to the game."

Tina face lights up, "Really?! That means we don't have to waste any gas!" Tina throws her hand in the air, "I call Jonny jersey number." Jonny eyes widen, "Who said you can have my jersey number?"

"I did now leave me alone and eat your food." We all laugh at the two arguing, "Since we're calling jersey numbers then. I call Tony jersey number." Layla annouces with a big smile on her face and Tony starts throwing a coughing fit, Layla pats his back,"Tony there is no need for you to argue with me about it. You know you're not going to win." Tony pouts in defeat and steals Layla cookie, "You asshole! Why would you eat my cookie?!"

"Because you're wearing my jersey." Tony replies with a pout on his face, "Well looks like I'm wearing David jersey then." Everybody looks at Christy with shock looks, "What I call his jersey."

"Oh my god! Christy wearing my jersey! I'm in heaven or am I dreaming." I look at Jacey and see a hint of sadness in her eyes, probably because she doesn't get to wear David jersey number or anybody jersey.

"Who jersey number are you going to wear Jacey?" Everybody looks at Nicole. David, Tina, and Layla starts to laugh at Nicole face. Christy, Jonny, and Tony are biting their lips trying not to laugh at her, "Um probably nobody's, since they're the only ones I know on the basketball team and all of their jersey numbers are taken, I'll just be okay without one."

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