I Regret Falling For You.

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Jacey POV

I am walking to my history class to take my exam, "Hey Zack. Are you going to tell me what happened yesterday?" Zack is already in the classroom sitting at his desk. He isn't even looking at me, "Zack, I'm trying to talk to you." I touch his arm and he moves away from me.

I stare at him with hurt in my eyes, "Are you really just going to ignore me? What did I do?" He starts drawing in his sketchbook ignoring me. I sigh in frustration and sit at my desk. What did I do?

After Exam

We are now finishing are exams, "Zack, aren't you happy our Christmas break started?" I am smiling at Zack and he continues walking forward ignoring me.

"Zack, what did I do or say? You can't keep ignoring me, Christmas is on it's way here."

He keeps walking until he get to his car, he drives off while I was still trying to talk to him. I look around the parking lot, "Jonny, do you know what's wrong with Zack? He keeps ignoring me."

Jonny looks at Tony and David, then back at me, he gives me a sad look, "We can't tell you. We really want to tell you, but we can't. Before you ask, none of the girls know what's going on."

"I don't want our Christmas to be like this, it's this Sunday." David gives me a hug and rubs my back to calm me down, "I know Jacey, we don't want it to either." I push him away, "If you don't want it like this then tell me what's going on! Don't leave me in the dark!"

I have tears running down my face, Tony walks up to me and I back away from him. He gives me a hurt look, "Jacey, we can-." I hold my hand up to stop him, "You can't tell me I get it. I'm going home."

I run to my car and they start screaming my name, but I ignore them and I get in my car and head home. "Hey sweetie. What's wrong?" My mom is sitting on the couch reading a book, "Hey mom, and nothing just tired from the exams. I'm going to go to my room for a while."

"Okay sweetie, I'll tell you when dinner is ready."

I go upstairs to my room and lay down on my bed, Meow Meow. "Hey Icy, I've missed you today."

She starts purring in my arms, my phone starts ringing. I look at the caller ID, I pick up quickly.

"Hello." It's quiet on the line for a few seconds, "I didn't really think you would pick up."

I laugh into the phone, "Well I did. What did you call about?" Once again it goes quiet on the line.

Zack POV

"Jacey I think we should end what we're doing." She gasp and stays quiet for a few seconds, "What?! Why?! Zack, what's wrong?!"

"Nothings wrong with me. Why do you sound so hurt? You wanted to end this a long time ago anyway." I hear some sniffing on the other end, "Yeah, but that was when you were talking to me. I don't want to end it on a bad note. Why are you being like this?" She is now full fledge crying.

I sigh into the phone, "Jacey, I just don't want to do this with you anymore."

"Zack, please don't do this to me. Can you at least tell me what's going on? Christmas is almost here and I don't want this to be going on between us like this." She cries even harder, "Stop crying. I don't want to do this anymore, bye Jacey."

Instead of hanging up I put the phone on mute, "Why does this always happens to me? Not only did I try to get over him, I fell in love with him." My eyes widen at the last part, she doesn't even realize that we didn't hang up.

She continues crying to herself. Why am I still on the phone listening to her crying? "Sweetie? What's wrong baby?"

"Mom! I fell in love that's the problem! I regret it so much!" I hang up quickly, I wouldn't be able to handle their conversation.

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