chapter 1

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              Emily's Pov

I've recently just moved to Rosewood from Canada, it's going to be my first day at Rosewood high today. I'm really nervous though as I'm very shy. I've only just recently come out as gay too ,I've never had a gf before but, I had a ex bf called Ben and, it just didn't feel right. We didn't have sex or anything but kissing him made me feel completely nothing. I had to break it off with him, we went out for about a month but I realised I couldn't lead him on anymore.  My mum was completely cool With me being gay, i think she was Shocked at first. My dad knows but his in the Military so I don't see him Alot.

I get out of bed, putting some skinny jeans on along with my jacket. I  brush my teeth, having a wash then go downstairs having something to eat before school.

     Alison's Pov

Everyone at school loves me and, wants to be me or fancies me which is  amazing. I work as a Lifeguard for the swimming team.  I have girls staring at me all the time but ,I've never really fancied a girl to get with as a gf . I think I'm straight, I have had a boyfriend, we was together for about a year. He had to move to       Los Angeles  for his work.  I was heartbroken at the time time however, I'm definitely over him now at least I think I am. We split up a 2 years go.  Towards the end  of the relationship we wasn't the same, the love was gone and we never had sex towards the end of the relationship. I guess you can say we drifted apart. I've got really good friends here ,Hanna, Spencer and  Aria, they have been my rock without them I wouldn't of coped. Everyone at school thinks I'm a bitch which I know I can be but ,I do have a soft side it's just up to me whether I let people in.

I get out of bed texting Spencer, she's my ride to school. We either take my car or hers, as she practically lives opposite me . I get ready for school putting my Lifeguard clothes into my bag, she picks me up at 8:10 school starts at 8:40.  As we are driving we are talking about summer holidays, which is a month away.  Spencer is talking about her boyfriend called Toby, it's times like this I wish I had a boyfriend. I want to wait for the right one to come along.

         Emily's Pov

I get to school feeling really nervous.  I do have a car but ,I've decided to take my bike to school today as it's a beautiful warm day.  My first lesson is English with Mr Fitz.  English Is one of my favorite subjects along, with swimming.  One day I want to be a professional swimmer.  I get into class sitting down you get your own table.  I sit down next to this girl with jet black hair looks a bit like a goth to me, she gives me a friendly smile and return it.

"Hey are you new here it's just I've never seen you here before? "

"Yeah my first day here actually I've just transferred from Canada "

"I thought your accent was different it's nice my name is Aria by the way what's your name ? "

"Thank you im Emily nice to meet you"
smiling at her

"Nice to meet you too if you want me to show you around at Lunch let me know ??"

"I might take you up on that thank you " I say

"Your welcome oh you see that blonde girl who has just come in With the brunette girl that's Hanna and Spencer there my friends "

Before I have the chance to respond Mr Fitz tells us off for talking and tells us to read chapter 10 of Macbeth. The class seems to go really fast. The bell rings for lunch and, Aria takes me around the school looking around.

She takes me into different classrooms giving me a tour and outside too. The thing that I loved most about this school is the fact it has a swimming pool, it was amazing it's perfect for me to train. Me and Aria sit down at the table eating our food ,until her friends turn up Hanna and Spencer.

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