chapter 23

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                Alison's pov

I wake up before Emily giving her a kiss before, I get out of bed and put some clothes on.  Its Monday which means school. I go into the kitchen making breakfast and for Emily and I. When the food is cooking ,I hear a bang on the door, I answer it and Aria and Hanna come bursting in. Hanna starts jumping on Emily waking her up which i find amusing ,I finish of cooking placing the plates on the table.  Emily doesn't look amused with Hanna In the room with us.

"Okay Hanna I'm awake can you get of me now ?"

"Fine miss grumpy where's the lucky charms? "
Hanna asks

"I hid them Hanna go and get your own lucky charms "

"Ali you  could of made us breakfast" Hanna complains

"Well I didn't know you was coming around plus we can't stay long we are all going go be late "

"Here Hanna share the lucky charms with Aria "
Emily says passing the box over to Hanna and Aria

"Well you didn't put much of a fight did you Emily? "

"Well I'm not going to be selfish and eat while you two sit there with nothing "

"Thank you Emily"
Hanna says tucking into the box

"By the way thank you Ali for breakfast "
Emily says kissing me on the lips

"Your welcome babe anything for you"
I smile back at her

"Awww your both so cute my Emison" Aria says smiling

"Thanks right we are going to get ready shall we meet you both at school ?"
Emily asks

"Yes see you soon girls drive safely both of you"
Aria suggest

"Emily did you do your English assignment? "
Hanna asks

"No But I'm not bothered about anything but my swimming we will see you soon "

As they leave Emily comes up to me and cuddles me while kissing my lips. we both fall onto the bed still kissing each other, Emily takes her top of while biting her lip looking at me with her sexy brown eyes. Emily touches my blonde hair, while grinding against me ,sitting on my lap. We both look at each other .

"Okay we better stop before things go any further '
Emily says laughing

"Yeah your right not that i wouldn't mind but we will be late for school and I don't want you getting into trouble Miss Fields do you understand that ? "

Ohh yes Miss DiLaurentis I do understand well we best be off then "

As we are in the car we hold hands while ,i drive and listen to music at the same time ,I keep looking over at Emily thinking how lucky I am to have such a gorgeous girlfriend. The only thing is to tell everyone about us however ,I am scared about that. We arrive at school just on time ,we share a kiss in the car and then Emily goes  into lesson. I go into the swimming pool room,thinking about Emily  as always.

             Emily's pov

As I'm in my English lesson, I can't stop thinking about the weekend, I shared with Alison it was the best weekend I've had in a long time. I feel so happy and my feelings for Ali is getting stronger every day ,she fully understands me I feel like I have a real connect with her. Mr Fitz is talking, I feel my phone going off I look at my phone under the table and it's a text from Alison.

Hey Em thinking about your hope your okay,? ;)

Yeah I'm okay just bored sat here thinking about you too ali I loved how we were earlier when we almost well you know xxx

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