chapter 15

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           Emily's pov

I wake up next to Alison ,so wanting to cuddle her, she's facing me and looks so peacefully asleep. I get up getting ready quietly ,not waking the others up . My head is hurting I defiantly drank too much last.

As I'm walking through woods, i think about yesterday about me and Alison, I just want her to kiss me it's so annoying ,because I know the girls are all right they know we like each other ,it doesn't take much to work out.

As I get back to the camp, all the girls are panicking I can hear them shouting. I go in wondering what the hell is going on worriedly.

"What's up what's all the panic about ??
I ask

"There's a massive spider in the tent it was crawling on my covers "
Hanna cries

"Calm down I'll get it where did it go ??""
I ask them

"I think it went over there Em " Spencer points to the corner of the tent

"What are you going to do to it ?"
Aria asks

"I'm going to pick it up and take it outside where it belongs all wait for me outside please "
I say trying to look for the spider

"Be careful Em""
Ali says smiling at me

I catch the spider holding it taking it outside I look at the girls and start laughing.

"It's a tiny spider girls honestly that much fuss do any of you want to hold it ? "

"No Em please get it away i don't like them"
Hanna whines

"Yeah no thank you I'm scared of them "" Spencer says

I go and put the spider on the grass letting it free on the grass. I go to the lake to wash my hands using antibacterial gel, which I have in my pocket. When I return to the Tent I see the girls packing up there belongings and, taking the Tent down I put down the Airbeds.

"Hanna can you take the pillows
please and put them in the car ?"

"No there might be a spider on them I'm not touching nothing in here now" Hanna says

"I'll take them Em give them to me please "

"Thank you Ali "I say smiling at her

"Your welcome I always want to help you "

We all get into the car heading back to Rosewood, I sit sit in the back with Ali and Hanna while Spencer and Aria are in the front talking about hockey.

We stop for food along the way going in the drive throug, however we don't stop as Spencer is rushing back for a party for her family. A song comes on the radio that me and Ali like Ed Sheeran perfect.

🎶 song 👇
I found a love for me
Darling just dive right in, and follow my lead
Well I found a girl, beautiful and sweet
I never knew you were the someone waiting for me
Cause we were just kids when we fell in love
Not knowing what it was, I will not give you up this time
But darling just kiss me slow, your heart is all I own
And in your eyes you're holding mine

Me and Ali look at each other with deep emotions ,I just want to kiss her on the lips ,it's so hard stopping myself at times. I want her to know how she truly feels though before I make that move on her. We return to Rosewood ,I get dropped back at mine saying goodbye to the girls. I grab my stuff going into my house, I see my mum watching Tv.

"Hey Emily did you have a good weekend ? "

"Yeah I did thank you what about you ? "

"Yeah it was good I met up with a couple of friends how did camping go with the girls? "

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