chapter 14

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                  Emily's pov

I lay awake in our tent listening to the birds singing in the distance ,which is really relaxing. I look at Ali and see She's still sleeping ,I notice the covers are off her so I pull them up making sure she's warm, all i want to do is look after her. I fall back to sleep 15 minutes later, but then get woken up by Spencer and Aria. I look at Alison and she looks at me smiling at me with her beautiful blue eyes.

"Did you guys sleep together again?"
Hanna asks

"Well we was both cold so i suggested for Ali to come in with me to warm each other up "

"Ohhhhh yeah and the rest ""
Hanna jokes around

"No hanna nothing like that okay"
i say putting on my hoodie and storming to the car

"Woah someone's woke up on the wrong side of the bed ""
Spencer claims

"No she hasn't at all she's just sick of the questions guys I have to admit it's annoying "
Ali argues back

"But we've seen the way you look at each other"
Hanna suggest

"We don't look at each other like anything Hanna I'm straight I like boys "

"Okay sorry geeze you both need to take a joke"
Hanna says

"Well when it's constant it's annoying anyways I'm going to go and find Em and then we will figure out what we are doing "

I sit by the lake looking at the beautful scenery, as I'm throwing stones into the water . I hear someone's  behind me and I realise it's Alison,she sits beside me, there's a comfortable silence until one of us breaks it.

"Hey Em are you okay I was worried about you so thought I would come to find you "

"Yeah I'm okay just these questions and the girls getting all suspicious I mean just because we sleep in the same airbed it doesn't mean we like each other does it Ali? "

I see Ali pause and bit her lip Looking at me.

"Yeah Em it doesn't mean anything at all we are just friends people need to stop assuming it's going to make me feel awkward"

"Awkward Ali how exactly ?I'm not understanding you "

"I don't want people judging me Em getting the wrong prospective of me I just dont want the hassle if you know what i mean? "

"Well why would they Ali your straight right ? And even if you was bisexual people need to learn to deal with it "

There's a few second pause, before Alison answers me. I want her to open up to me, however She's just not giving me any clues.

"I am straight Em I've only had one bf we were together for a year I don't find girls attractive. Anyways Em we best be off the girls will be wondering where we are "

"Okay but Ali listen if you ever need someone to talk to I'm here for you "

"Thank you Em same here "

We smile shyly at each other and continue to walk back to the Tent. We talk about various things along the way, well lighter topics . There's no chance of Alison us opening up to me, I wanted to but I don't want to push her away, I wish things were alot more simple.  We get back to the Tent seeing the girls sitting outside.

"Finally your back I'm starving ".Hanna says

"Me too shall we go eat ? "

"Yeah what are we doing about tonight are we going to stay again or leave??
Aria asks

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