chapter 16

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              Emily's pov

I wake up to my alarm going off I switch it off closing my eyes thinking back to last night. I turn on my side and see that Alison isn't beside me she went home last night after dropping me off, it's not the same when she's not in the bed with me i don't feel safe at all .I miss her  even though we only saw each other last night. It's bugging me that she's got something on her mind , she's isn't opening up to me at all . I'm pretty much doing the same to her shutting her out , I'm only doing that because I don't even know if she likes me or not.

I get up putting my nike trainers on along along my blue zipped hoodie and denim jeans. I brush my teeth having a wash applying make up to my face, going downstairs I take a ceral bar heading to school. When I get to school, I see the girls standing outside talking I lock my car walking up to them.

"Hey guys what's going on ? "

"Oh nothing was just waiting for you what lesson have you got Emily ?" Spencer asks

"I've got History then swimming practice this afternoon what about you ? "

"Same here let's walk to class"
Spencer says linking my arm

Hey is Ali okay? She looked upset "
i say walking to class

"Emily there's a rumour going around you and Paige are sleeping together is that true? "

"Of course it isn't true Spencer I don't like her in that way what so ever i don't even hang out with Paige anyways "

As I sit in class I wonder who is saying these rumours either way ,I'm going to find out who it is.  Class finishes not that I was paying attention to any of it anyway, I'm more bothered about what's going on. I walk to my locker putting my stuff in it I see Paige walking by me 

"Hey Paige I would appreciate it if you didn't spread rumours about me and you sleeping together I don't like uou in that way plus you have a gf "

"I don't know what your talking about and I always see you checking me out your just indenial about it if I didn't have gf you so would kiss me"

"Actually Paige no I wouldn't I see you as just a friend and that's it now will you excuse me I have to be somewhere "

I go to lunch sitting with the girls, Alison doesn't sit near me which is very unlike her. I really hope she doesn't believe Paige I don't want her interfering in  with what we have.

"So have you spoken to Paige yet ?" Aria asks

"Yes I have I told her to stop spreading rumours she thinks I like her but I only like her as a friend no more than that "

"So you defiantly didn't have sex with her then "
? Hanna asks

"No i didn't even kiss her I was with Ali last night "

"Ohh was you now?
Hanna teases

"Yeah not like that Hanna just as friends"
Ali snaps back

"Okay chill I was only joking "
Hanna says with a tone

"Anyways I'm off I've got better things to do then gossiping"
Ali says walking off

"Emily what are you doing after school ?'
Aria asks

"Nothing how come ? "

"Wanna go for a walk just me and you? I'll bring my dog you'll love him"

"Yeah sure I'll see you tonight "

I walk off to to swimming practice getting changed in the changing rooms. I walk in and see Ali flirting with some guy laughing with him, I can't help but feel jealous is she doing this to annoy me I wonder??. I don't know half of the time Ali is so complex .

(Emison) the lifeguardحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن