chapter 8

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           Alison's pov

As we are waiting for Emily I'm on this game trying to win this Minion  for Emily ,which obviously Noel doesn't know but, he doesn't need to know he can just think I want it. While we wait for Emily, i start to feel nervous even though I only saw her like 20 minutes ago. The girls want to go on some rides but, I want to wait for Emily, so I sit down on the bench waiting for her.

"There's a haunted house over there i want go in " Aria says smiling

"Yeah but i want to wait for Emily you can all go if you want but I'm waiting for her"' I say

"Okay Ali we will wait for you but how long do you think she will be does someone want to text her??? "
Spencer asks us

"Yeah I'll text her and see if she's okay"
Aria says getting her phone out

            Emily's pov

I feel bad making the girls wait, but I had to get home and shower and do my hair nicely also put a nice outfit on. As I'm driving I can't help but think of Alison ,i want to ask her out on a date, but I don't know should i or shouldn't I?. There is something there between us you can clearly see, because I don't hold hands With my friends or anything. The way we look at each other too it's quite obvious we like each other, it's just one of us needs to make that first move. The only thing is I'm scared of doing it I feel like it's easier for Alison to kiss me because she knows I'm gay ,where as with me I don't want to do anything she will feel uncomfortable with. As I get out of the car I see the girls sitting on this bench. Alison is sitting next to Noel which makes me feel slightly jealous, but I'm not going to show it.

"Hey girls sorry I'm late i had to get ready at home ""

"That's fine now can we go on the in the haunted house"" ? Aria asks

"Yeah we can now geeze Aria your like a big kid " Ali says giggling at her

"So Em how are you doing anyways??"
Noel asks with a smirk on his face

"Yeah I'm good who invited you anyways?? i thought it was gonna be us girls ""
I say dismissively

"Alison invited me chill out Emily are you always like this ? "

"No I'm not i just thought it was us girls that's all anyways let's go in this haunted house you can go in first""
I say laughing

"I will be I'm not scared of no ghost anyways he says"
with banter

Noel goes in the haunted house first. Me and Alison are  holding hands. We enter a room and a witch comes up to us trying to scare us. Hanna is the most scared of out of the girls. We go into another room I go first trying to show of to Alison. we enter this room where they have skeletons everywhere on the wall.  I keep holding onto Alison while she's not afraid of anything. As we enter different room I feel myself getting more scared with Hanna. Alison is laughing of  how scared we all are.

"Omg you were all such babies""
Ali says laughing

"It was rather scary"" I say giggling

"Aww Em your just a baby my baby"" winking at me flirtatiously

"So what ride next??"
Spencer asks us all

"What about the bumper cars"" ? Noel asks

"Oh no i hate them""
Hanna whines

There isn't enough bumper cars, so Alison has to decide who she wants to go with.

"Ali come in my car""
Noel says

"Ali come get in my car""
I say giving her a cute look

Alison gets in my car.  We bump into there cars chasing them around in there cars.

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