chapter 5

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            Emily's Pov

I lay awake up at Aria's feeling really confused as regarding my feelings towards Alison, does she like me in more than a friendship way, is she just leading me on. Did she feel anything when we were holding hands in the cinema?, I know I certainly did, my heart was racing and the Butterflies in my tummy were insane. I would of leaned in and kissed her but, Aria and Hanna was with us so,I didn't want to make her feel awkward. I want to be more flirty with Alison but ,then what if she doesn't even like me in that way. However what confuses me is why would she hold my hand in the cinema, friends don't hold hands not like how me and Alison were.

I lay in Aria's guest room chilling out on the bed, until I hear the door open slightly. I sit up with the covers over me. Alison comes in sitting on the end of the bed. I've never Actually been alone with Alison before so you can say this is slightly awkward. I look into her blue eyes with her beautiful blonde hair ,she gets something out of her bag I feel excited until I know what it is.

"Em can i paint your nails" ? The other girls are still sleeping "

"Oh no where's Hanna?? she loves all this kinda stuff why don't you paint her nails??"
I say giggling

"Because I want to paint yours Em pretty please""
giving Emily the look that I know she loves

"Fine then Ali dam why do you look at me like that???"
I say smiling

"Like what Em exactly?? and give your foot please ""

"nothing it doesn't matter Ali"
  resting my foot on her leg as she paints my nails

"Em you have to keep still otherwise it's going to go everwhere "

"I can't help it ali it really tickles "

Ali doesn't say a word she just give me that seductive look, and puts a bit of her hair Behind her ear, while still looking at me.

"Okay Em all done now you've got nice baby blue nails "

"Thank you Ali Oh no i got a cramp in my leg I can't move it "

"Where Em? Do you want me to massage it for you? ""
Ali asks me

"Yeah please Ali if you don't mind ouch It hurts "

As Alison massages my leg, I can't help but to stare at her. I think she notices me staring, as she looks at me smiles.

"There is that better for you Em?
Ali ask me

"Much better thank you well we better go and wake the others up now Ali "

"Yeah they've been asleep for ages "

          Alison's Pov

I didn't really want to paint Emily's nails ,I just did it because I wanted to talk to her about a couple of things, but guess what I backed down again.  I just didn't have the strength to actually say Emily do you fancy me?. When I massaged  her leg it felt so soft, I wanted to kiss her just to see if it felt right, but then I backed out completely. How will I ever know if she's likes me at all?. I did notice her looking at me a few times but that could mean anything.

As we go into Aria's bedroom ,we notice Hanna and Aria are awake, they have been talking for 20 minutes . They give us a strange look as in we know what you've been doing in ,all Honestly nothing happened, as much I would of wanted it too it didn't. 

"Hey you two have you both Been having fun ?""
Hanna asks us

"Yeah I've just been painting Emily's nails and talking about school nothing much really was it Em ??"

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