chapter 27

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                 Emily's pov

I lay naked next to Ali ,she's got her back turned to me I go up to her cuddle her kissing her neck, Ali turns around ,looking at each other ,we start kissing while cuddling Ali's  the most gorgeous girl I've ever seen,I've never fallen so hard before,when she looks she always gives me butteflies  never fails to make me smile .

"Good morning beautiful blue eyed Blondie "
I say smiling at her

"Good morning sexy girl last was just wow you were good "

"So were you Ali I've never cumed so hard before "

"Im just a bad girl I've got a text Spencer asking me to meet up with her for a drink  I might go and sort things out with her  from last night "

"Okay do you want me to come or can you handle her on your own ? "

"No I'll be okay Em it was my fault anyways last night you have a nice day with you dad and maybe I'll see you later ?"

"Okay babe love you "

"Love you too miss you already "

I lay in bed for 10 more minutes checking out Twitter and Instagram ,I get up going to the bathroom brushing my teeth and getting ready. When i get downstairs I see my dad on the sofa ,my mum is at work so it leaves just me and my dad. I cook us breakfast while talking about things mostly about school .

"So Emmy what shall we do today? "

"Do you fancy going go paint balling? like we used to do when I was younger"

"Sure we will take my car "

As we get into driving along the highway, I feel happy that I'm spending  time with my dad , also sad because I know he has to go back on Monday. I worry about him so much when he is away,I've actually had nightmares of him never coming back, it hurts so much to even think that .

"Dad I know this is really stupid but do you really have to go back?? I miss you when your away "
I say holding back the tears

"You know Emmy I would love not to but I have to help this country it's my duty I'll be back soon well as soon as I can you know that don't you ?"
Wayne says

"Yeah dad I know just don't make any promises because it might never happen "

"I will Always try my hardest you know I love you and your mum "

"I know I love you too so are you going to be on my team like we used to before when we play paintballing ? "

"Of course we are going to be the best let's do this "
Wayne  says smiling at me

We put our Helmets on and uniform while running into battlefield ,I stay as close to my dad as possible while crouching down near a tree hiding.

"Okay we will retreat here as soon as you see anyone then shoot Emmy "

"Dad watch your back"
I shoot someone who tries to come up from behind him

"Nice shot Emmy now we can't stay in one spot let's go "

We end up winning the game ,my dad is taking most of the credit for it even though I helped him loads ,when people were trying to shoot him behind his back .

"Dad you can  thank  me for winning" "I say laughing 

"No way you would of been shot if it wasn't for me ""
he says laughing

"Yeah right dad you just must watch your back when your in a battlefield "

"I know you did really well Emmy I'm proud of you "

(Emison) the lifeguardWhere stories live. Discover now