chapter 6

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              Emily's Pov  

It's Monday morning unfortunately, I decide to put my trainers on and go for a jog around the block. I think to myself this is the day I'm going to tell Alison my feelings, I'm not going to be shy anymore, I'm going to be changed person altogether. I get home from my jog having a shower getting ready for school, i apply make up fixing my hair. As I get downstairs I notice my mum is Cooking some food, I walk up to her getting my coat off the chair.

"Mum is it okay if Alison comes over for dinner tonight? "

"Yeah it is but I won't be in sweetie I'll be home late but you girls can have the house to yourselves "

"Okay mum thank you stay safe tonight "

I get to school a bit later than expected, I go into class and Mr Fitz tells me off but, let's me off as I'm Aria's friend. There's a knock on the door and I notice it's Alison, she asks Mr Fitz if she can borrow me for a couple of minutes. I stand with my back against the wall looking at her she looks at me and smiles at me.

"I just wanted to see if you were okay and apologize for getting so drunk last night I hope you didn't mind Em? "

"No i didn't it's fine don't worry about it i was wondering are you free tonight Ali? "

"I did have a date with a guy but I'll put him off for you""
winking at me

"You don't have to if you don't want to you can go on your date we can do it another time Ali  "
       I  say smiling at her

"Em I want to i don't even like him that much anyway I'll see you at swimming practice "

"Yeah Ali see you soon I best go back class "

           Alison's Pov

As I walk back to the swimming pool , all I can think of is Emily. I want to tell Emily how I feel but I'm not even sure if I am bisexual or not ,anyways the way I look at it if things happen between me and her, I want it to come naturally. As I sit down and watch the other girls swim I just don't get the same feeling towards them as my Beautiul mermaid ,that's the only way I can describe her.  I'm not scared of coming out to my mum and dad, as I think they will be okay with it. My dad is slightly stricter though he always has been towards me but more softer  towards my brother Jason. The lunch bell goes off I meet the girls where we usually sit I wait with hanna and spencer while aria and Emily are getting there food. As they come back I automatically feel shy again, its always when Emily is  around she does something to me.

"what are you doing tonight"" ? spencer says smiling at us

"me and Emily are having a night in together why? ""
I say smiling

"I just wondered because me and Hanna were talking about a girly sleepover Maybe we will do it at the weekend again ??"
spencer says

"yeah sounds good to me ive got swim practice nect so I better go and get ready ali I will see you soon"

"dam since when have you and Emily become really close??"
Hanna asks

"we are just close she understands me that no one has ever before"
I say smiling at them

"okay then well we better get of to class as we are gong to be late"
Aria says getting up and leaving

"have fun tonight Ali with Em giggling

"what the hell is tht suppose to me Hanna?

"nothing I was joking calm down Ali"

"well your joke isn't funny Hanna at all "

(Emison) the lifeguardTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang