chapter 21

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             Alison' s pov

I wake with Emily next to me ,I can feel the warmth from her body, which i find comforting. I hear my mum and dad arguing about something, I hope they will be okay with Emily being here ,I totally forgot they would be in as it's a Saturday. I kiss Emily on the lips gently, putting her on the pillow. I put my clothes on and go downstairs. When I get downstairs my dad is in the yard and my mum is making breakfast. I put the kettle on and sit on the chair, reading a magazine. My dad comes in from the yard not looking impressed with me .

"Alison did you have someone over last night ? "

"Yeah just my friend Emily I'm sorry If we woke you up "

"No it's not that it's just the fact you didn't ask us if it was okay for her to stay didn't you recall to ask  ? "

"I just didn't think dad I'm sorry it won't happen again I understand your point "

I quickly make breakfast while disappearing upstairs ,Emily is thankfully awake at this point. I close the door walking up to Emily I give her a kiss stroking her  hair at the same time.

"Well that was a nice wake up call thank you for breakfast are your mum and dad home ? "

"Your welcome Em and yes they are downstairs dad isn't very happy but take no notice of him his strict always has been "

"Oh no I hope I didn't get you in trouble I'm sorry Ali "

"Don't be sorry Em you've done nothing wrong did I mention you look beautiful in the morning ?"

"Hmmmm well you didn't but I was thinking the same thing about you your blonde messy hair hot "

I kiss Emily while getting on her lap, we grind against each other softly. We both look into each others eyes lovingly ,I bite my lip while getting off Emily

"We best stop i wouldn't want my dad walking in on us I would dread his reaction "

"Yeah true I wouldn't like to witness that at all "

As Emily is getting changed, I can't help but stare at her she's really outstanding her abs on her stomach where she swims is so hot. She notices me looking at her, because she smiles and blushes at the same time. We get downstairs and see my dad sitting in the front room ,watching a war documentar. My dad comes up to me and Emily.

"Hi Emily it's lovely to meet you "

"It's lovely to meet you too sir"
Emily says smiling

"Where are both going today?" Kenneth asks us

"We are going on out on a  ride we are going to see where it takes us "

"Well you both be careful drive carefully look after my little girl for me Emily"

"Yes sir I will Always will do thank you for letting me stay last night "

"It's Kenneth to you and your welcome Emily "

"Come on Em let's go"
I say holding her hand

Emily and me get into my car things with my dad didn't go as bad as i thought they would. Emily phone goes off, she answers it, it's Hanna asking us if we want to go away for the weekend with Aria as Spencer is visiting her sister Melissa in England. We decide to meet them at Starbucks.

"Ali what are we going to tell the girls about us ? "

"We can tell the girls Em however I don't want them telling the whole school until I'm ready to do so "

"That's fair enough I understand that but I'm glad we can tell the girls as I didn't want not to hold your hand or cuddle you around them "

"Yeah I feel the same i couldn't not touch you Em your so hard to resist "

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