Chapter 8

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As we sat down in the table booth he asks

"So you're here pretty late, what's up?"

"I was waiting for the bus going back to my hotel, but it doesn't seem to be showing up." I explain.

"That's because there are no night buses along this route." He says apologetically 

I raise my eyebrows. My sister better pick up now. "Excuse me," i say "i have to make a quick phone call."

*Hi, this is Mackenzie, leave a message*

Jonathan looks at me questioningly. "If you need a ride back to wherever you're staying, i can drop you. Where are you staying?"

I didn't see any other option. "Okay, thank you. I'm staying at the Holman Grand."

"You are? That's great news! The team's staying at that same hotel so we can go back together." He smiles. "The hotel might me haunted though...Shaw complained about heating soft knocks last night."

I giggled. Its was them!

Wait a second..."wait was it the boys in the bar this afternoon?" I asked

"Yeah, that was us. We're a rowdy bunch sometimes."

I laughed. "No kidding."

"If you're coming, lets get going." Jonathan gets up from the chair.

"Okay." I reply.

Is this weird or what?

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