Chapter 35

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"Here it is," i say swinging open the door.

"Its exactly how i imagined your room to be like." He smiles. He runs his fingers over my keyboard, but it makes no sound.

"It needs to be turned on." I say.

Next, he walks over to my guitar. He smiles to himself, and i wonder what he's thinking.

He lifts his head up, seeing the large Canadian Flag draped over the head of my bed. He walks over to the chalkboard and writes "Go Hawks!" And i laugh. His writing was just as small and boyish as his letters he wrote to me.

He moves closer to me, and i think he's about to kiss me. What's happening? Apparently nothing. He doesn't kiss me, and instead asks "Are you feeling well?"

"What?" I knit my eyebrows in confusion.

"When i kissed you, your forehead was hot. I mean temperature wise." he blushed on the word "kissed".

"Oh..." i try to think of something, quick. "I'm always warm." I say managing a smile.

"Are you sick?" His face becomes worried.

"Just a little, no biggie" i lie.

"I want you to be at the game..." he says. "I'll let it slide this time." He sounds unsure.

"Yay." I say, and lean in, and kiss him lightly on his cheek. I turn around, when Jonathan grabs my arm. He pulls me close, and hugs me from behind. I don't know what we're doing. We're just friends right? He takes my hand and leads me to the door. I lock the door, and i see Ryan knocking on Vivian's door again. I try to hide behind Jonathan, but we have to walk past him. I slip my hand out of Jonathan's, and walk faster. I'm way ahead of Jonathan now, he's a few doors back.

"Hey, where do you think you're going?" Ryan sees me and grabs my arm.

I flinch away, and the searing pain in my head returns again. "What do you want?" I hiss.

"The way your friend treated me today? I want you to make up for it."he forecfully grabs my arm and pulls me in, trying to kiss me.

Alarmed, i don't know what to do. Just then, my head starts to hurt. I go limp, Ryan, surprised, lets go of me. I crouch down to the floor. I hold my head in my hands, squeezing my eyes shut. The pain is too much. Just as the pain subsides a little, i open my eyes. I see Jonathan crouched down looking at me.

"Alex? Alex! Thank goodness you're okay." He said when he saw my eyes open. "Who was that guy?" He demands.

"Where is he?" I look around.

"He ran after he saw you fall to the ground. Are you okay? Who is he?" He asks a little more forcefully this time.

"Ryan the creep." I answer. "Don't worry, he probably won't bother me anymore. And yeah I'm totally fine. I just went limp to scare him off." I lied.

Jonathan looks at me with an expression on his face that i can't make out. He takes my arms and pull me up. I feel so much better when I'm with Jonathan, i don't think about anything else. He takes my hand again, but this time i stop.

"What?" Jonathan asks confused.

"I...." i trail off. I don't want a relationship yet. I mean what happens when he leaves Toronto? He's going to leave me, just like Matt did. I shake my head. "I'm just not ready yet," i tell him truthfully.

He looks down for a moment, then nods understandingly. "I'll tell you what. When you're ready, just take my hand. That's how I'll know, and that's how you'll tell me."

I smile. That's cute. I nod, and with that, we walk out to the car.

Broken and Healing. - Jonathan Toews fanficWhere stories live. Discover now