Chapter 49

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           *Jonathan's P.O.V.*

Tonight's game was a blast! Kaner and I both got shoot out goals, giving it our consecutive 4th home win. I hope Alex was watching.

I walk out of the shower just as my phone rings.

"Hello?" I pick up.

"Jonathan! It was amazing tonight! Oh my goodness you were so great." Alex said.

"Thanks Alex," i blush. I usually don't when people compliment me. "You sound excited."

She laughed over the phone, still sounding as musical as ever. "I get way too excited when it comes to hockey!" She exclaims.

"I can just picture you jumping around in your dorm..." i trail off, teasing her.

"But i was!" She admits still very excited.

I smile, picturing Alex dancing around her room. Adorable.

We talked for a while longer, but it was 10:00 in Toronto, and only 9:00 in Chicago. Alex had to go to school early, so we hung up.

"Who's that?" Patrick said as he wipes his wet hair with a towel.

"Alex." I reply, sounding completely calm.

"Ooooh Alex!" he says, making his eyebrows dance. "JONNY BOY HAS A GIRLFRIEND!" he chanted.

I slapped him with my water bottle.

"Come on, Kaner." I say lightly.

Patrick Sharp slaps me in the back.

"Way to go, Toe-ews" he says, pronouncing my name the way its spelt.

"I hope it isn't that awful girl Lindsey." Crow comes up and tells me.

I shake my head. "Lindsey is history. I'm done with her. I haven't even seen her in months!" I say.

Lindsey was my ex. I didn't love her, or feel the way I'm feeling with Alex. Sure i liked her, but now that i think of it, she was kind of a puck slut. I think she only dated me for not who i was, but the fact that I'm a top notch NHL player.

"Good." Sharpy nods approvingly.

"You guy have actually met her." I tell them, "She went skating with us and played piano for us in Calgary?"

"Oh right, Alex!" Andrew said, "I like her, she's great!"

"Sure beats Saader here at the piano!" Niklas said.

I feel a warm growing feeling inside of me. Its great that they all like her!

"Why dont you invite her to the Blackhawks family skate on Sunday?" Kaner asked.

"That's actually not a bad idea!" I pat Kaner's head. He's so short!

"Do not mess up my flow." Kaner says, carefully protecting his hair with both hands.

"I'm bringing my girl," Shawzy announces.

We all laugh. Andrew goes everywhere with Chaunette!

"I'm going to be bringing my daughter, so for you rude mouthed people, you aren't going to cuss in front of her!" Sharpy warns.

Kaner laughs. "Man, you're too protective." He pokes Sharpy's ribs.

"You'll understand when you have a child." Sharpy says, half offended.

Kaner shrugs.

I text Alex, hoping she'll see it when she wakes up:

Do you want to come out for the Blackhawks family skate I'm Sunday? I'll drive you out Friday night. It'll be fun, the families are all fun, i promise!

I'm about to turn off my phone, when i get a text. It says:

Hey Jonny, its Lindsey! Call me?

Um...why is Lindsey texting me? We haven't talked in almost 6 months!

"Hey guys, check this out." I say showing it to the boys.

"Why is she messaging you all of a sudden?" Kaner sounds angry.

"It could be she wants to get back together because you have another girl now..." Sharpy thinks aloud.

"How would she even know?" I ask.

"Here's why." Andrew comes up to the boys huddled around my phone, and shows me his phone. He went on google and searched up 'Jonathan Toews new girlfriend.' There, he found a picture of Alex and I walking downtown. She was taking a picture, while i was smiling at her. There were blogs about these photos. The fans certainly like Alex more than they liked Lindsey!

"Dude, just dont even talk to Lindsey. She's a fucking puck slut." Brandon suddenly says.

The boys seem to really hate her.

I agree.

"Guys, do me a favour and don't tell Alex? I don't want her to worry about this." I tell them.

They nod, understandingly, and i thank them.

My phone rings.


"Hey Jonny," says a voice.

"Um...who is this?" I ask, even though i have a good idea who it is.

"Lindsey! Don't tell me you forgot all about me!" She laughs flirtatiously.

"Lindsey, i don't want you calling me. What's your problem?" I suddenly feel angry. "You break up with me, see that i have a new girl, and now you want me back?" I shake my head.

I'm basically yelling in the phone, and the boys are staring at me. I'm frustrated and they point to the door.

Lindsey is at the door. She's on her phone, and she hangs up.

"Oh jonny," she walks over to me, touching my shoulder.

"Dont call me Jonny." I say, flinching away. "And what the hell are you wearing?" I ask her.

Lindsey had on a Toews sweatshirt that is two sizes too small.

She's taken aback, and she gasps. The boys smirk, and Lindsey's face turns red.

"Just get out." I say, pointing to the door.

"This isn't over." She says, "Whoever Alex is, she better watch out. She doesn't even know you!" She throws her hands up in the air.

Patrick walks up behind me.

"Who Alex is, is none of your business. Whatever we had was nothing, and I don't even know why the hell you're here. Get the fuck out of my face, and if you touch Alex..." i trail off. My fists are clenched at my sides, and Patrick is holding me back.

Lindsey actually looks scared, and she walks out of the room, head held high.

"And she has the nerves go even come back here." mutters Kaner.

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