Chapter 10

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Landing on the window sill of Mephisto's office, I release my crow from and look at him in the corner of my eye with a glare slightly visible.

"So, what is it you want?" He began explaining to me the plan for the 'true' esquire exam and that he wants me to sit back and do nothing.

"Are you kidding me?! That's too dangerous, what if something goes out of hand and Rin reveals his powers to everyone?!"

"Do not worry. We will have Yukio, myself and many other teachers watching, so that no harm will come to anyone" -Mephisto

"Are you sure of this? So, sure that they will not be so harmed, that I would want nothing more than to tear your head off?"

"We will have to see..." -Mephisto

My face held anger and warning towards him. I don't want anything to happen to anyone, yes, I may not have a good relationship with many, okay, all the students, but I don't want anyone to get hurt or mentally scared.

"Please, Mephisto.... promise me that this won't get out of hand?"

"I can't promise entirely, so we'll have to wait and see. Minami...the reason I am doing this is to see if we can use Rin to our advantage-" -Mephisto

"So, what, he's like your pawn now?"

"Let me finish. The order will use Rin to defeat Satan and Yukio will be the brakes to his power, you as well" -Mephisto

"No, I don't want either of them to know of my existence! I will do what I can to help keep them safe, but I will not jeopardise my cover. You and I know the relationship I have with them...even Satan, but Rin and Yukio 'cannot' know period!"

"Yes, I understand" We both fell silent.

Leaning myself against the window, I stared outside, enjoying the feel of the wind blowing through my hair, as I stared at the moon, feeling Mephisto's eyes on me.

"Is there something else?" I asked

"Where did you get that wound?" -Mephisto

"I got it a few hours ago. That demon you had sent attacked Rin, he almost showed his true identity to some of his classmates. So, I took action and tried helping him. Next thing I know I was shot along with the demon, due to Yukio rescuing us"

"Yukio?......" I could hear the anger in his tone.

"Mephisto..." I gave a firm tone myself, telling him to back off.

"This is not your concern, I put myself in that position and look where I ended up, with only a scrape of a bullet wound and the lives of my classmates were spared"

Forcing myself away from the window, I sat on the corner of Mephisto's desk, leaning back and giving a sigh, as I could feel the pain of the wound stretch a bit in pain, causing some strain within the tissue, under the bandage.

"Is this all you need me for?"

"Yes...for now. But we will talk again soon" With that I got off his desk and headed for the window.

"Oh, before you go" I looked over my shoulder to see he was facing me, fingers entwined.

"I'd like to see your familiars. Professor Neuhaus was very 'awed' by them" I gave a nod understanding. Pulling my piece of paper out, I bit down on my thumb, swiping it across the symbol, before saying my incantation.

"I ask for your help and guidance, please let not my request be left undone" and they appeared before me like they did earlier. The Tengu placed itself on my shoulder while the other two wrapped their bodies around me, Mephisto clapped his hands in awe, causing my Familiars to look at him and growl, only for me to lift my hand, silencing them instantly.

"Well, well, what marvellous creatures you have and very obedient too" -Mephisto

"We are only obedient, because she is strong" Spoke my Inugami, Mephisto and myself were taken aback by this, but I regained my composure and petted her head, she along with the others turned their head to me before speaking again.

"Forgive us for not speaking earlier" -Tengu

"No, it's alright, it would have caused a problem with my classmates. May I have your names?"

"I am Oralie, meaning Golden in French" said my Inugami

"I am Miyuki, meaning silent snow in Japanese" spoke my Kitsune and last

"I am Lonán, meaning black bird in Irish" I gave a nod of respect

"And I am Minami. It is a pleasure to be working with you" I said giving a slight bow of respect.

"No, we should be thanking you. Not many are capable of having us as familiars" -Miyuki

"And why is that?" Mephisto spoke

"Because they were never strong like her" -Oralie

"Do care to explain" -Mephisto

"Mind, sight, smell, touch, strength, sound and spirit. There is more, but these are the best of her abilities" Mephisto placed a hand on his chin and looked at me with interest.

"Yes, indeed she is unique, but she isn't really fit for the life she's taking now, she seems more suited as a detective" -Lonán

-Hmm detective I like that-

Looking at my familiars, I saw that they held a look of agreement to this, I merely giggled to this and folded my arms, shaking my head with a bit of enthusiasm.

"Okay that's enough for now. I gotta get back, so we'll talk later Mephisto and I will be seeing you around later, okay?" they gave a nod before leaving. Stepping on the window sill, I looked outside, stopping for a sec to look a Mephisto one more time.

"See you around?"

"As always dear sister" -Mephisto

With that I jumped out the window and transformed mid-air into my flying form again, looks like a lots going to be happening this week...

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