Chapter 25

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Sensing Rin, I gave a breath, relieved that he had finally woken up and was listening to the speech Shura was giving him and nodded in agreement.

'She is right' I told him, he could hear me and let me see through his eyes, showing me what was going on.

'When you saw me using my power on the candles... you remember what I said?'

'Yeah' he replied

'I used my emotions, I kept in mind the things, the people I wanted to protect and in order to do that I had to understand myself, my powers, my purpose and the people I live for'

'I understand'

'Than prove it. Prove it, to the two of us and those who threaten the safety of our friends and family'

He closed his eyes and concentrated before a powerful surge rose up and did it. He had lit the candles on either end and left the middle to itself, making me feel proud of him, earning a praise from Shura and myself.

'Now go get em' I gave.

*time skip*

Rin, Yukio and Shura had returned to the monastery. They each held a different emotion and said that they know how to break the spell placed on the guys.

"What a relief" I said, standing up, to allow them to come near, being mindful of the roof.

Rin came forward and one by one, released them from their prison, making me feel happier with each one. Weak and exhausted, by the time he finished, I tried to stand strong in front of all of them, hoping no one could see my state. Standing away from them all, I gave them room, so that they could all enjoy this moment and chat with each other. More good news came their way, being told that they didn't need medical attention within a hospital and Rin seemed very cheeky when they were free and able to talk. The boys were complimenting him and Rin on how well they've grown and become, before a question was asked.

"Hay Rin, where's Yukio?"

"Huh? I don't know?" -Rin

Wait, now that I think about it, Yukio seemed off since he'd come back and that horrible sensation I felt a while back had gotten worse. Is there something he's not telling us? Hiding from us at least? My body gave a certain wave and I knew it was no longer night time, which meant, I no longer needed to stay in my true form anymore. Giving a breath, I opened my eyes to find that I was in my human body again and came forward with a forced smile, though my body didn't approve of the matter.

"I'm glad to see you guys are alright"

"Minami!" they cried in surprise and joy to my presence.

"Wait, is it alright for Rin to see you like this?!" one of them spoke up

"Don't worry, Yukio and I already know" Rin piped in. I went around giving each of the guys a hug, before coming to stand beside Rin, smile still on my face. We all talked together for what felt like hours, which it had been, and I was feeling the exhaustion catching up.

"You look tired" I rubbed my eye with my hand and placed a smile on again, to all of them.

"Well who wouldn't? Giving some of their own power to keep you lot going"

"Wait, what?" they gave, before Rin piped in and told them I was using my power to help them.

"Idiot!" one of them cried, which Rin was not expecting.

"Well it was my pleasure helping you" I gave sarcastically, shaking my head.

"You of all people know not to always put yourself at risk when it comes to using your powers for others!" Rin seemed surprised with the behaviour they gave me.

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