Chapter 29 (Final chapter)

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(Final Chapter)

*Big time skip*

A voice reached out to me... no it was two voices, one all so familiar and one that was not... it was my mother and Yuri. They spoke to me in kind words, saying that I had to get up, help Rin and Yukio, because I was not meant to die, not now, and somehow, I managed to get air into my lungs, causing the fire to burn inside me again, finding the will to get up and move. Opening my eyes, I see them, Rin and Yukio up ahead with Kuro, it looked like Rin managed to reach Yukio, pulling him out of the darkness and to regain control of his body, causing a flutter to erupt in my own and have myself find the strength to get up. It seemed like they were getting ready for something, but as I stared up into the sky, I knew instantly that they were going to destroy the gate for Gehenna, and there was no way I was going to miss out.

"After all, I was the familiar of Shiro. The most powerful exorcist ever! Get on Rin" -Kuro

"Right!" -Rin

"I'll go too" -Yukio

"Huh?" -Kuro

"Wha, no way. You heard?" -Rin

"My demonic powers have been awakened too, now I can hear Kuro loud and clear just like you. So, what do you say, may I?" -Yukio

"Okay, let's all go!" Kuro gave

"You're not leaving me out of this" came a voice, causing the three to turn around and hold a look of shock. There standing in front of them, still clutching her wounds, was Minami.

"Minami?!" they gave running over to her, only to catch her, before she dropped to her knee's.

"But, I thought I killed you?!" Yukio spoke, but she merely smiles, wiping the blood from her mouth with the back of her hand, standing straight, to show them that she's okay and removed herself from their grasp, to fix her outfit.

"It will take a lot more for you two to kill me. After all, I'm a full-blooded demon and a disgrace at that" she smiled meekly, shrugging it all off, only to have the three, stare at her.

"Better strike while the irons hot!" she gave, changing to the four-legged form and having her wings spread out, with three distinctly coloured flames float around her. This caused the three to smile at her and get into action, Rin and Yukio climbed on Kuro's back and all four went flying into the air, heading towards their target. Minami heard Rin and Yukio call her, earning her attention, as they held apologetic looks.

"We're sorry!" -Rin

"After all this is over, the four of us need to have a sit down and talk things out properly!" -Yukio

"You three need the talk, not me!" Kuro groaned, only to cause Minami to chuckle

"Destroy the gate first, then we'll see how things go" she responded

"Geez, you sound like the old man!" -Rin

"Well I am old" she replied

"Not to us, you aren't!" Yukio said, while holding a smile to her, especially Rin. It made her happy to know that they were very accepting of her, even after the big reveal, but she knows that deep down, this little promise they're creating won't even begin.

"Watch out!" -Yukio

"Hang on tight!" -Kuro

Demonic guards were coming towards us, and we began to use our skills in taking them down. Kuro dodging, Yukio shooting, Rin slicing and me? Well I decided to pull out my guns, using my tails, flames, teeth, claws and my trusty sword from Shiro, it'll be difficult to use all these assets at once, but it will have to do, in helping them get close.

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