Chapter 12

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"You again.... Uh Yukio, that guy, he's our-" but he was cut off by someone kicking him

"Guahg! Mephisto?!" -Rin

"Olah my young pages! many thanks for all your hard work" -Mephisto

"It's the director" said Bon

"What's going on?" asked Shima

"You didn't think I'd just let an upper level demon just waltz into my campus, did you?" he then snapped his fingers and our instructors came out of their hiding spots, revealing themselves to the students.

'Wow, just wow Mephisto....' I wasn't really in the mood for all of this.

"Instructor's with doctor potentials tend to the wounded" everyone else was getting looked at while I sat back with my familiars.

'If any of them try to come near me, chase them off' I said to my familiars, to which they gave a nod.

"You guys were- " -Rin

"SURPRISE!! This was no ordinary boot camp kids. In fact, you guys just completed your esquire etherisation exam!" -Mephisto

"Uh!" -Rin

"It's rather sneaky I know" came Mephisto's reply to Rin

"This whole time we had a team of instructors hidden throughout the building, in places where they can observe your every move. After I have a chance to review the reports, I will be the one who determined those who passed and who failed. I'm sure you're as anxious as I am as to see how you did" he said giving a wink.

I felt a sweat drop appear on my head at this, what an idiot he is! My familiars began to growl and I saw that some of the instructors with doctor ranks were trying to get near me, they looked at my familiars in confusion and shock. They peered at me for assistance, but they weren't going to get any.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. Go help the others" they were about to talk back but Miyuki growled deeper and showed her flames, warning them.

I lifted my hand and Oralie came to my side. She lowered herself and lightly placed her muzzle under my breasts so that she could lift me, I pulled my feet up beneath me, but almost lost my footing. Oralie took things into her own hands and got Miyuki to use her tails to place me on her back; I grabbed fists full of her fur and laid limp. Feeling eyes on me, I realised that everyone was looking at me. Rin, Yukio, Mephisto and Koneko were looking at me intensely, as I was being led to the nurse's office along with everyone else.

*Time skip*

When we were in the nurse's office, I went into a closed off room, taking my hoodie off, so that I could bandage my wounds and re-bandage my chest, I would have put disinfectant on, but Oralie and Miyuki were licking the wounds to rid any infection, I gave a shrug to it and began to bandage myself. Suddenly feeling as if there was someone watching me, I turned around to find it was Mephisto and he wasn't pleased, I ignored him and continued to bandage myself, before placing my hoodie back on.

"I told you not to interfere" -Mephisto

"As if I would just stand back and let everyone get injured" he came up and grabbed my arm hurting me, due to the wound and the pressure he was placing on it. I winced in pain and my familiars growled at him in disapproval of how he was treating me.

"Everything was going fine until you had to step in. You're the reason the demon attacked you like that!" -Mephisto

"Don't you think I know that!" I began to yell at him, which would have caused people to wonder what's going on.

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