Chapter 27

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Waking up, I hear pawing at my door and get up from my bed to go answer it. Kuro was on the floor staring up at me with a weary smile, before I stepped to the side, allowing him in and he jumped on my bed.

"Rin's gone to school, are you not going?" I gave an uncertain look and scratched behind my neck, thinking about it.

"Don't know... would it even be necessary?"

"It's up to you, but I do think you should go" -Kuro

"But that would be the opposite of what I said yesterday"

"You still should go, it would be good. Besides, if you do leave, at least you've got some memories to take with you" but I only fold my arms and show a serious look.

"But something doesn't feel right today, it's quite unnerving"

"Well, Yukio didn't come home last night" I turned my head to him and widen my eyes slightly.

"What?" knowing this only further proved my instincts were right.

"I don't know where he is and neither does Rin" -Kuro

"Then that means I'll have to go then" I said quickly using my powers to change into my uniform and head to the school.

Once arriving, I see a crowd of students, along with Rin and the others. Coming forward, I ask someone within the crowd, 'what was going on?' only to have them tell me that the school was closed and to me this wasn't a good sign. Heading over to the boys, I listen in on their conversation to see their views on the situation, later having Izumo joining in on the conversation, adding some of her own news. Bon had put in, that there were big changes coming for the cram school and the knights of the true cross, this is where I decided to step in.

"It wouldn't surprise me"

"Uh, Minami" Koneko seemed surprised by my appearance, but smiled to me in greeting. Some of them gave me a greeting, to which I only replied with a nod, before continuing.

"For some time, before the hostage situation. I've sensed something bad coming... something big"

"How do you know?" -Bon

"My instincts are acting up and what's coming isn't going to be pretty... like some force is telling me to run and get out of here while I can, but I know I'm not the only one feeling that way" I said looking to the sky, having them follow my direction and see some demons, flying away as if something was chasing them, but they were invisible to everyone else around.

"See, even they're sensing it"

"You're right" -Shima, Rin


I gave that breath, hoping it would lessen the tension I was feeling on the grounds, only to prove futile, as I wrapped my arms around myself. The others saw my action and knew that if it was bothering me that much, then it was really bad. Koneko and Rin came forward, hoping that either of them could comfort me, to which I gave a smile to as thanks, but my body tensed for a second, when it felt like someone was watching me, having them see my expression.

"Minami?" some of them had asked, before I hung my head, needing to get away, since it wasn't normal.

"I, I need to go" I said hurrying out of there, before any of them could stop me.

Getting away from there, I thought that I would be rid of this sensation, only to have it worsen and my body begin to shake with adrenaline and panic. Some men came out from behind a tree and I instantly remember them from Shiemi's place, when I was helping out, but they were no longer dressed as tourists and held serious looks in their new attire.

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